Revolutionary Times (Spin Off from TEC)

Re: Trading Elite Club (T.E.C) Discussion

Mate, you have got it in one!!!!so true not just in the US but in Britain, Australia etc, how can I join your crusade? I am delighted to hear what this guy had to say.

Re: Trading Elite Club (T.E.C) Discussion

How close to the truth & 99% of the people dont even realise it.
Re: Trading Elite Club (T.E.C) Discussion

Many people realise it,but because,after the relevant governments,banks,and other ruling classes have stripped us of most of the money people have earnt,most people have very little disposable income left,to do anything about it.
So,the vast majority of people carry on with their lives,lacking real freedom.until the system grinds the life out of them.
This is not how life should be,but it will never change for the vast majority of people,because they aint in " The Club"
This is how the charlatens and hucksters selling the business opportunity dreams get rich,whether it's Forex trading or whatever,because they realise an increasingly large percentage of people DO realise what's happening with their controlled lives,and are looking for ways to beat the system.
Re: Trading Elite Club (T.E.C) Discussion

Mate, you have got it in one!!!!so true not just in the US but in Britain, Australia etc, how can I join your crusade? I am delighted to hear what this guy had to say.


Hi Rainerg


Here’s one list you might to go through to increase your knowledge.
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Re: Trading Elite Club (T.E.C) Discussion

And a copy of UK Column's latest email...

Weekly Briefing - 23rd Feb - We Are In Revolutionary Times

This is a weekly briefing email from the UK Column. You can subscribe/unsubscribe using the form on the front page of the UK Column website. Please feel free to distribute it as widely as possible.

UK Column -
We are in Revolutionary Times: Time To Act

We are approaching a truly historical moment. There is a process happening right in front of our eyes which should be no surprise to any of us. The entire system, funded by the globalist bankers, and established by the traitors in national governments right around the world is in a state of terminal collapse. Nothing can save it. It is dead.

The question is, will we follow it into its grave? Exactly what is going to replace it?

Here lies the next task, and if we fail, we will leave those who survive with a global fascist dictatorship of the worst kind imaginable, following a period of chaotic, probably extremely violent, "transformation."

So the choice is there in front of us. Are we going to cower in a corner somewhere while the Cameron-Clegg-Clone and its disgusting traitors to "dismantle" the UK (Cameron's word) and take us and the rest of the planet into a new Jacobin Terror, or are we going to grasp the spirit of rebellion, take back what is ours, and start to rebuild?

This is a call to action - lawful, peaceful action. And here's your first chance:

We are calling on ALL our supporters to meet us at the Brass Balance pub on the Wirral, at 1pm on Monday 7th March. We intend to shake the foundations of the establishment. Details of the nature of the event cannot be given in advance for obvious reasons, but we ask you to support this initiative, and spread the word by whatever means you have at your disposal. The maximum turnout is what's needed.

Remember, violence, chaos, these are the tools of our enemies. This is not a demonstration. This will be a calm, measured, peaceful action. An action which will shock, and a key example of the practical application of Lawful Rebellion.

Join us at The Brass Balance, 39 Argyle Road, Birkenhead CH41 6AB, 1pm Monday, 7th March.
British Constitution Group Conference - Stoke On Trent - 2nd April 2011

The role of these conferences becomes ever more important. We ask everyone who is coming that is familiar with the BCG and our aims, to bring at least one person with them who is not.

Tickets £10, available on the door, or at

Conference speakers


Roger Hayes - Introduction – and overview.

10:30 – 11:00

Ian Puddick – The plumber who took on the anti-terrorist squad.

Ian Puddick is not the sort of guy to say boo to a goose, he is an easy-going and genuinely nice individual... but when a goose in the form of the antiterrorist police said boo to him.... he changed.

Ian’s problems stem from the fact that he disclosed corruption by the chief executive of Guy Carpenter (world’s largest re-insurer) whom his wife worked for as a PA causing him to lose his job. This high powered executive in a fit of revenge called in a few favours from the anti-terrorist squad, via Kroll International Private Investigators... the ‘fix it’ crew for the international elite, when they have some dirty work to do. What followed was extraordinary... Ian will tell his story of how the behind the scenes cartel operate... using our police as a private revenge squad.

11:00 – 11:30

Dounne Alexander – Founder of ‘Gramma’s Herbal Foods’ and now the driving force behind the ‘Joining Hands In Health’ campaign which seeks to expose the New World Order drive to tamper with our food to the detriment to our health. Dounne also exposes how some individuals who claim to represent the Heatlth food industry are actually stooges working for the other side.

11:30 – 11:45

Albert Burgess. – An update on treason.

11:45 – 12:00

Roger Hayes

Our corrupt courts... what happens when you take them on.

LUNCH (12:00-1:00)

1:00 – 2:00

Field McConnell

Field McConnell has an impressive CV:

* 1967:Graduated from Punahou School, Honolulu
* 1967-1971: US Naval Academy, Annapolis
* 1971-1977: US Marine Corps pilot A4, KC130
* 1977-1993: North Dakota ANG pilot, F4, F16
* 1978: William Tell, World-wide fighter competition
* 1986: William Tell, World-wide fighter competition
* 1993: Retired as Lieutenant Colonel
* 1978-2007: North Central, Republic, Northwest Airline pilot
* Retired early 3-5-07 due to whistleblowing on events around 9-11
* Captain DC9, A320, DC10, B747-400

He recently took a Civil Case 1:08-1600(RMC)(Pro Se) in an attempt to get the illegal modifications of airliners remedied. After informing the Air Line Pilots Association (ALPA) on 11 December, 2006 ALPA did nothing to determine the accuracy of his claims nor inform the ALPA pilots of the existence of the Boeing Uninterruptible Auto Pilots deployed on Boeing jets. Boeing, who he also sued in MCCONNELL v. ALPA AND BOEING on 2-27-07 were much more responsible when, on 3 March, 2007, just four days after the filing of the suit, Boeing announced publicly the existence of the Boeing Uninterruptible Auto Pilot. The significance of the suit and the timing is, that AFTER he revealed these technologies to ALPA and FAA, four hull losses have occurred which bear the signature of the STRANGLER'S SUITE of illegal modifications. Adam Air 574. Kenya Airways 507. Colgan 3407. Air France 447. Still, ALPA's response is more silence.

2:00 – 2:30

John Hurst

2:30 – 3:15

Brian Gerrish

3:15 – 3:30

Mike Robinson

Sovereign Debt

3:30 – 4:00

Roger Hayes – the launch of our own banking system. This will fire a torpedo below the international banking cartel’s water line... and will sink their global ambitions to rule the world. The multitude of problems of the world, war, famine, economic turmoil all stem from one problem, which is the unitary banking system. An alternative banking system will bring the power to where it should be... with the people.

4:00 – to end – Questions, and audience comments.
Upcoming Events

Full details at
UK Column Monthly Meeting, Plymouth


The George, Plympton
Start Time: 7.30pm
Brian Gerrish @ EVI

11/3/2011 - 6:30PM

EVi Cultural Centre
Church Street

Ebbw Vale NP23 6BE
United Kingdom
British Constitution Group Conference
2/4/2011 - 10:30AM

Kings Hall
Glebe Street
Stoke On Trent ST4 1RN
United Kingdom

The fifth British Constitution Group conference


* Roger Hayes
* Brian Gerrish
* John Hurst
* Dounne Alexander MBE, FRSA
* Ian Puddick
* Field McConnell
* Mike Robinson

Entry £10 at the door. Tickets also available at
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Hi PackerBoy, thanks for the You tube sessions, just how true!!!What can we do about this? In the UK they are starting with the meeting on March 7th and I hope the results of it will be made public.
We are being sold by our governments, kept as dummies, fed wrong info by the press, it needs another revolution. With rising food prices in the world there will be another ( this time oil as an excuse) war. not if but when, who do we think is going to start the next one? Who has reason to? which government is REALLY broke ? this printing of money to give to the banks who use it to play the stock, futures, fx markets to make billions is a joke. Come on peoples revolt !
There has never been revolution in the UK even in worse times than now so in my view it is unlikely there ever will be.

Paul, You obviously have not heard of the Industrial revolution may be you should read a book about it, the reason we do not have kids sweating 16 hrs for 6 days in Englands factories is because the owners saw the errors of their ways and wanted to share the wealth a bit the same as real wages in the US have been falling and the amount of high rollers like LLoyd Blankfein & Co? I know there is real equality in the western world and we should all sleep soundly like babies and put all our money in the sharemarket.
And, of course, trust our politicians.
You need some history lessons.
The context in which you stated revolution is as follows:

We are being sold by our governments, kept as dummies, fed wrong info by the press, it needs another revolution

So it was easy for me to think that you were referring to revolution in the same terms as French, Russian etc. and not industrial or other technological progressive revolutions. So if you think we need revolution what type are you referring to and what are you hoping the end outcomes will be ?

The context in which you stated revolution is as follows:

So it was easy for me to think that you were referring to revolution in the same terms as French, Russian etc. and not industrial or other technological progressive revolutions. So if you think we need revolution what type are you referring to and what are you hoping the end outcomes will be ?

Paul, I thought I made it clear that we are being sold by the club which I take it you do not belong to, neither do I. Politicions are honest, newspapers and the other press are all telling the truth, the war in Iraq was necessary as the one in Afghanistan, UK' s economy is booming and the bankers are struggling with they misery pay, man wake up to your self, do you live in dreamland or are you paid by the government? I am really interested in your appraisal as to where the mainly western world is heading.
For your info I live in the Gold Coast in sunny Queensland, have an nice house with pool, Mercedes, twin diesel cruiser and a nice appartment in Sydney near the Harbour Bridge BUT I am worried for my Kids and Grandkids, ( My son currently lives in a lovely house in Surrey and is not doing it tough either) But I have a conscience beyond my personal circumstances.
What is your understanding of the current state of the western world( capitalism) , i.e debt levels, unemployment etc. would be very keen to hear
I am not doubting your views but things in the UK have been much worse than this and there was no revolution in terms of overthrowing government etc so why would it happen now ? Also most people don't care enough to do anything. Even in the 1930s when things were as economically bad as possible it did not result in revolution. What is happening in the ME is not the western world and the key difference is that we can vote out our governments.

I am curious as to what you think revolution will achieve and how it is going to come about ?

I am also aware that the UK debt is £4.8 Trillion which is why the government here want high inflation because it will erode the debt substantially.
