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Hi All,

This is my first message on a forum, so I'd appreciate a bit of slack, in case I make an error. Though, if you give me too much rope, I may end up hanging myself.

I'm wondering if any one out there, has heard of Prosperity Group International Pty Ltd (PGI). They are an Australian company and support people Index Trading. Iv'e just come accross them and would be interested in any independent information about them.

Thanks for any help. Don.
Welcome to the forum Don. Can't help with PGI unfortunately but I'm sure you'll get a lot out of this forum.
Ok this is what I know about PGI. (Prosperity Group International Pty Ltd)

(I am trying to find out more myself about whether they are legit operation).

According to doc I have received from them:

They provide trade alerts for a number of different markets (FTSE, XJO, DAX, CAC, INDU and COMPQ). The advisories appear to be related to gets and puts in the different markets.

You initially pay a one time licence to receive the alerts via email/SMS. Depending on how much $$$ you give them you get access to advise relative to 2, 4 or 6 markets. The one time fee is AU$ is approx $7,700 $11,500 and $15,000 respectively. After you become a member you can be put on the waiting list to move to the next higher group. ie: If you are only receiving advice for 2 markets, you pay more $$$ and then move to 4 markets.

I assume after you sign up you get the ability to set up a trading acount (which you initially need to seed with funds). Only you have access to the trading account. You can either manage trades via email alerts and web trades, or you can apparently receive an SMS and automate a trade depending on what type of reply you make. You pay a monthly fee of $50 to keep the SMS's flowing.

They state in their docs Its actually a form of betting as you use their software to assist determine whether to predict a rise or fall. That way profits are declared as windfall and not taxable. They say they have a 82% success rate for initial predictions, and a system of doubling (like doubling in gambling) can be employed to recover from losses. They say the highest level of doubling that has ever occured with their system over several years is six. ie: If you initial consideration was $50, second would be $100 to cover, 3 is $200, 4 is $400, 5 is $800 and 6 is $1600.

In the information provided to me they included ABN, ACN and their bank account details.

At this point I don't know their physical office location (their PO box is on the Gold Coast at Bundall). The ASIC co records show they have been operating since 2004 and in March this year changed a number of company details.

I called them and did get a verbal reference to contact (an existing cutomer).

Sounds ok over the phone - almost too good - but there is very little information about them to check them out thoroughly - which makes me cautious....

Has anyone got any hard info on them .... I don't want to criticise them if they are legit but, they are not providing a lot of information about how they operate.

Where is their physical address? etc.

Thanks BB
I already have most of your information. Look on EC21, Global B2B Marketplace - Connecting Buyers with Suppliers for a good discription of their service. You probably realise, that getting a phone number from them, is not necessarily going to get you an "independent" view point. Although, getting independent info is always going to be difficult, due to the pool of that info, being so small.
You asked about their street address; Suit 1A 128 Bundall Rd, Bundall, Gold Coast, QLD.
I've got to say I quiet like the way it works. I learned a lot on another site - The smarter way to trade
where you can play with a virtual account, but if you know as little as me, I guess you only have a 50/50 chance of success.
I was hoping to come accross people who are active in this area. Sooner or later I guess.
Regards don
Don, Maybe they are genuine or maybe they are not, I don't know, but think on. If this company went out of business for whatever reason sometime after you've paid, quite frankly, a ridiculous amount as a one-off fee for market alerts, where would that leave you.

If you are very new to trading, do a little more research about what and how you want to trade. Once you know what you want to do there will be plenty of members on this forum who can point you in the right direction.

If you still want to go down the route of paying for alerts then I'm sure there are threads that will advise on different systems. If not, just post questions on the forum.

Whatever you do, don't part with $7,700 to $15,000 just yet.

Good luck

Thanks for info and advice. I'm so busy during the day that having a system where I pretty much go with their recs and keep doubling up if they go south appeals to me. They say their members have historically 82% on first trade, and statistically over the last five years the most anyone has had to double has been 5 times to recover. Even on an initial outlay of $100, that would mean successively $200, $400, $800, and a $1600 trade to get back the original. Guess for this sort of strategy you have to potentially have big pockets to get your dough back if you have a bad run....

The EC21 entry is made by the co. I presume that the blog was entered by their CEO Jonathan King who states their employee range is between 50 - 100 and turn over range is US$10,000,000 - $50,000,000 per year.

Having said that there is still virtually nil about them and their system.

Without being able to check it out its a fair bit of dough for the initial entry. I'm still interested though so at this stage thought I might tee up a trip to their office and get a demo.

Maybe next week...

This system sounds like the road to ruin. BB, in one post you say the most times someone has had to double is 5 times. In another post it's 6 times. It seems you would be risking far too much of your capital imo, and the name of the game is to preserve your capital.
Here is a reference to their 2007 results. You can see how many trades, the profit, and the amount of doubling. (Max was 6).

I really am pretty sceptical of a lot of stuff on the internet so that's why I am going to check out the product at their offices.

In the meantime I would be interested in hearing from anyone who actually is a subscriber...

Sorry to drag an older post up.

I was looking for info on this company myself, and found this post on a search 🙂
My first post by the way, and as I am just getting to know about trading this company does have an appeal.
Did either of you make the leap and start trading with pgi?
Their system links into either of two other sites. One of these is betonmarkets (refer link above).

Suggest if you are interested you go onto the beton markets web address posted above and create a virtual account. That will give you a feel for the way system works in terms of how you will need to place bets.

What PGI are offering is a layer of "intelligence" in terms of which way to bet, some help in setting up the trading account you will need, and a customer support line. I'm not sure how all the trading account $$ link at the moment and whether that part links in directly to the web sites. However I will find out more in the next month. PGI are based in UK and Australia.

Actually talked with some people using the system - and some are making $800 - $1000 per week using $50 initial bets and trading in four markets. If you want to make more than that you have to place larger bets up front. For the system to work you need to be carrying your phone and receive the SMS's and then be able to access your internet Web account within 1/2 hour to place the bet. Depending on how many markets you sign up for and the amount of doubling you may need to engage on where a bet initially doesn't go your way, you could get relatively occupied having to place the bets at different times during the early afternoon and later evening (in Aus).

At the coal face you are actually betting on whether specific markets rise or fall and for tax reasons this is good!
This is my 2nd week on the system.

It's basically a calulated 'Martingale' style of betting.

I started with a virtual account last week and saw good results. I'm on to real money now, it can be rather stressful doubling up 3 - 4 - 5 times but trust the system and you can't go wrong.

Yes you must have your phone on you and have access to an internet connection especially when you have a contract open. This can also be rather stressful. 🙂
Been so busy with my well paid real job, and as I don't have a lot of time during during the day I have parked it for the moment, until markets become a bit less volatile.
If the market is too volatile, you won't get any alerts.

The alerts flow when the 'system' can safely predict which way to move.

I have been making £250pw placing £50 bets.
How Did U Go


Thanks for info and advice. I'm so busy during the day that having a system where I pretty much go with their recs and keep doubling up if they go south appeals to me. They say their members have historically 82% on first trade, and statistically over the last five years the most anyone has had to double has been 5 times to recover. Even on an initial outlay of $100, that would mean successively $200, $400, $800, and a $1600 trade to get back the original. Guess for this sort of strategy you have to potentially have big pockets to get your dough back if you have a bad run....

The EC21 entry is made by the co. I presume that the blog was entered by their CEO Jonathan King who states their employee range is between 50 - 100 and turn over range is US$10,000,000 - $50,000,000 per year.

Having said that there is still virtually nil about them and their system.

Without being able to check it out its a fair bit of dough for the initial entry. I'm still interested though so at this stage thought I might tee up a trip to their office and get a demo.

Maybe next week...


Hi How did you go with more info on pgi i am also looking at the company and need to find out more info, very strange that they are doing well for people but there are no people praising there work, so was wondering how you went and did you join there system
thanks regards Anthony
I still intend to get into this but am waiting for the opportunity to try it out with dummy funds over a fortnight before I take the step. Problem is I have just been too busy with contract work and just do not have the time during the day at present. jaymz80 seems to be going ok though. I talked to a guy whose wife was the one following the system, he was to busy with building work during the day. They had a $12,000 system and were making AU$750 per week on $50 bets. The winfall seemed pretty regaulr, though you had to be disciplined and follow the system everyday to make it a steady earner.
Has anybody checked pgi out yet does anybody have anymore info on these gys are they scamers
regards ce
If you read up someone said they were on the system and its working, albeit stressful.

I also made the leap and joined, as stated you have to have a good stable internet and be prepared to 'double up' up to 5 -6 times.
This is not a scam, but for me the alerts can arrive at times I cannot trade, eg: 2,3,4 AM.
So check the timezone of the market(s) you sign up for.
With the markets being somewhat volatile at the moment I am getting about 5 -6 alerts a week.
Also they say if get an alert an say 9:45 place your bet for 10:10 to 11:00, check it at 11:50 if it looks in your favour do nothing, this sometimes does not work.
This is because as we all know a market can turn in the last 2 -5 minutes rather easily, and I have lost a bet or 4 because of this. You have untill the last 5 minutes in the hour ro double up to the next hour so keep an eye on the market.

Hope this helps.
If you read up someone said they were on the system and its working, albeit stressful.

I also made the leap and joined, as stated you have to have a good stable internet and be prepared to 'double up' up to 5 -6 times.
This is not a scam, but for me the alerts can arrive at times I cannot trade, eg: 2,3,4 AM.
So check the timezone of the market(s) you sign up for.
With the markets being somewhat volatile at the moment I am getting about 5 -6 alerts a week.
Also they say if get an alert an say 9:45 place your bet for 10:10 to 11:00, check it at 11:50 if it looks in your favour do nothing, this sometimes does not work.
This is because as we all know a market can turn in the last 2 -5 minutes rather easily, and I have lost a bet or 4 because of this. You have untill the last 5 minutes in the hour ro double up to the next hour so keep an eye on the market.

Hope this helps.
r u doing the 8 indices or 1
Are you winnig more than your losing they do say around 85 % strike rate is that pretty acurate in yuor opion from what you have seen so far.
Thanks for the info that helps heeps.
Hi Centralae and Howling,
Yes I signed up too. Worst thing is the time zone problem, I guess we all need to sleep sometime. Though, there is a way around it.
So who's the "they" that can give a strike rate? When I started this thread, no one was interested. It certainly would be good to know who else is Indice Trading with PGI. And how they were chosen to be involved. Is there any one out there who contacted them in the first instance?
I'm more interested in the thread now I know I'm not on my own here.
Thanks guys.
I am doing 4 indices, as far as the strike rate I would put it at say 65% at the first.
Had to double up 5 times twice, and usually no more than 3-4.