SJ Capital group


I am new to trading and investing. I've been approached to buy land by SJ Capital Group.

Does anybody have expierence in this.

Good returns but sound too good !!!😕
I am new to trading and investing. I've been approached to buy land by SJ Capital Group.

Does anybody have expierence in this.

Good returns but sound too good !!!😕

You are going to get ripped off, google 'land banking scams' and you will see how these people operate. Anybody who cold calls you is going to rip you off, whether its shares, land, wine whatever.
You are going to get ripped off, google 'land banking scams' and you will see how these people operate. Anybody who cold calls you is going to rip you off, whether its shares, land, wine whatever.

@ pboyles, anley & others

It seems that in your noble pursuit to expose rogue organisations your subjectivity has over-ridden the obligation you have to your post-readers. Surely you agree with the requirement to do proper research on the companies you hastily tar with the same brush, wilfully quoting inaccuracies and insulting any individual who dares question your basis, which is a travesty no different to the scams you try to expose. One specific example is that of SJ Capital, which you have accused of being a “land-banking” scam. I am the MD of SJ Capital (SA) and wish to repudiate several of the points you have made about our organisation. Our detailed response can be found at SJ Capital Group - Strategic Land Investment
How many of the plots of land that you have sold have been granted full planning permission? No excuses, no nonsense about 'soon', how many?
I am new to trading and investing. I've been approached to buy land by SJ Capital Group.

that's the problem right there, targeting green "investors"

it's a bit hollow for sj capital to come on here bemoaning they're being defamed, and not in any way associated to the proven scams. but they do appear to follow the same well trodden path of the proven scammers and try sell land to non investors.

i don't believe it matters a jot how well a company is set up, or how legitimate they make themselves look. the key is who they sell to, and how they go about doing that.
How many of the plots of land that you have sold have been granted full planning permission? No excuses, no nonsense about 'soon', how many?

Good luck getting any reply to that. I doubt we'll see him again anytime soon. He posted his 7 responses in 14 minutes on 3 or 4 threads then bugged off.

@ pboyles, anley & others

It seems that in your noble pursuit to expose rogue organisations your subjectivity has over-ridden the obligation you have to your post-readers. Surely you agree with the requirement to do proper research on the companies you hastily tar with the same brush, wilfully quoting inaccuracies and insulting any individual who dares question your basis, which is a travesty no different to the scams you try to expose. One specific example is that of SJ Capital, which you have accused of being a “land-banking” scam. I am the MD of SJ Capital (SA) and wish to repudiate several of the points you have made about our organisation. Our detailed response can be found at SJ Capital Group - Strategic Land Investment


Do you have anything to do with this St James outfit? They seem to be South African too (they have websites), they seem to be involved with a big scam.

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@ pboyles, anley & others

It seems that in your noble pursuit to expose rogue organisations your subjectivity has over-ridden the obligation you have to your post-readers. Surely you agree with the requirement to do proper research on the companies you hastily tar with the same brush, wilfully quoting inaccuracies and insulting any individual who dares question your basis, which is a travesty no different to the scams you try to expose. One specific example is that of SJ Capital, which you have accused of being a “land-banking” scam. I am the MD of SJ Capital (SA) and wish to repudiate several of the points you have made about our organisation. Our detailed response can be found at SJ Capital Group - Strategic Land Investment

Absolute amateurs, more to follow when I can be bothered.
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How many of the plots of land that you have sold have been granted full planning permission? No excuses, no nonsense about 'soon', how many?

Wayne, I'm still waiting for the answer as well. It's a simple question, very black/white.

No point coming here trying to defend your land banking firm and then not answering simple questions. Some defence of yours which can only mean one thing, not one of your plots has ever received planning, although I bet there's been plenty of talk about -


'minor delays'

'excess paperwork proceedures'

'waiting on some surveyor reports'

And on and on the excuses will go, just like every other land banking firm NOT ONE OF WHICH HAS EVER GOT PLANNING PERMISSION FOR ONE OF THEIR PLOTS ......
Still nothing from Wayne the MD of SJ Capital in South Africa.

I and others still want to know how his company have figured out a way to do the impossible here in the UK, that being get planning permission without a single percentage point allocated to affordable housing.

Fols, in case you don't know NO COUNCIL will now grant planning for any reasonable sized development without MINIMUM 20% affordable allocation. Affordable one one hand is good for those who need it but nnot very good for the developers because it means tiny profits.

What this means re the land bankers like SJ Capital is that there is NO HOPE of their plots every getting planning permission. But that doesn't worry them because their MO is simple -

1. Buy cheap UK agricultural land (or greenbelt), it's cheap for a reason folks because it basically has no chance of getting permission

2. Then convince people who have NO CLUE about the UK planning laws that this piece of land is going to be 'rezoned'. Again, this is not hard for them because their customers are extremely naive and foolish as they failr to do any of their own INDEPENDENT RESEARCH into what they're buying and more importantly WHO THEY'RE DOING BUSINESS WITH

3. Sell x number of plots for say £20,000 (true value about £200)

4. Close the company down after a few years, that way when the poor people who've been suckered finally realise they've been suckered they cannot sue the company

5. Rinse and repeat the operation with a new firm.

YOU'VE ALL BEEN WARNED - STAY AWAY FROM PROPERTY SPIVS SELLING PLOTS OF LAND IN THE UK. YOu will lose ALL your money. Search the internet for 'land banking scams' and you'll see what I mean.

If you're South African, have bouught a plot of land from SJ Capital and reading this, do your own research into what you've bought, then try to get your money back from SJ Capital whiile they're still in business. Good luck.

Look on this thread for more information -
@ pboyles, anley & others

It seems that in your noble pursuit to expose rogue organisations your subjectivity has over-ridden the obligation you have to your post-readers. Surely you agree with the requirement to do proper research on the companies you hastily tar with the same brush, wilfully quoting inaccuracies and insulting any individual who dares question your basis, which is a travesty no different to the scams you try to expose. One specific example is that of SJ Capital, which you have accused of being a “land-banking” scam. I am the MD of SJ Capital (SA) and wish to repudiate several of the points you have made about our organisation. Our detailed response can be found at SJ Capital Group - Strategic Land Investment

Good morning Gents. I have recently come across this forum and thread and have a question or two to pose to Waynesa and SJ Capital. In doing so I am not in any way taking the posts here from both sides as being the truth, but only posing the questions following on from my own research and in order to try and ascertain what is indeed the truth behind the company and it's model.

1. Having downloaded a copy of the title deeds for the Houghton Regis Site and a list of covenants and clauses attached, it is apparent that the property is owned by a company called Southern & Regional Developments Ltd. (incorporated in Gibraltar) of 124 Irish Town,Gibraltar and care of Vencap Investments Ltd, 33 Cavendish Square,London W1G OPW

Is this correct?

2. Further searches reveal that Vencap was the previous trading name of what is now Landhold Capital Ltd.

Can we make an assumption this is also correct?

3. Can you confirm the owners of Southern & Regional Developments Ltd.

4. On the title deeds to the site Title No. BD265964 and BD264824 and the associated plans and clawback clauses contained therein, it appears that the site under Southern & Regionals ownership only extends to a little over 3 acres and not the entire site of some 4.2 acres as being promoted within your sales material and on your web site.

Can you explain this discrepancy?

5. Also within the Title Deeds and associated documents and filed under BD100253,it is apparent that the previous owners of the land have a number of clauses relating to the land in particular a right of pre-emption and an option in their favour contained in a Clawback Deed. This was dated on 25th July 2008 . Now forgive my ignorance, but does this clawback deed give the previous owners the right to buy back the land they have sold to Southern & Regional at a future date?

6. If the previous owners do have the right to buy back the land, can you confirm that they have agreed with you that you can dispose of the land ,under Southern & Regionals ownership , in the manner in which you are doing/attempted to do. ie: sub-division ?

7. Restriction No.3 under the Title Absolute 19.08.08, confirms that no disposition of the registered estate by the proprietor of the registered estate is to be registered without a certificate signed by the previous owners or their conveyancer, and that the provisions of clause 4 of the Clawback deed has been complied with.

Can you confirm that you have a certificate signed by the previous owners allowing the disposition of the land in the manner in which you are doing?

8. In the abscence of a signed certificate and agreement with the previous owners can you confirm how you could sell individual plots to buyers and guarantee them FULL FREEHOLD TITLE as per your sales material? Could you also explain how FULL FREEHOLD TITLE could in any way be granted to your buyers when in fact a buy back clause is in place in favour of the previous owners.?

9. To touch upon the site specifics and layout and having trawled the Central Bedfordshire website as well as Ordnance maps it is apparent that a large electric pylon traverses a large part of the site under Southern and Regionals ownership. This appears to be midway between the plots depicted in your sales leaflets, and the retained section of the land and house to the front of the property. As was touched upon by a previous poster to this thread, no provision within your proposals has been made for any affordable housing ( or if it has it has not been made clear) , and I wonder if you could confirm where you propose to site this type of housing if indeed your plans in their current form actually ever come to fruition.?

10. Can you confirm if your proposed plans have been discussed with Central Bedfordshire Council, and if so, when was the last time your Strategic Planning Director Brian Smith had direct contact with the council.?

11. A public enquiry is being held on Tuesday 7th Febuary 2012 in to the proposed Dunstable bypass, can you confirm the implications for the site if indeed the planning inspectorate is minded to refuse the bypass?

Thankyou for your time in pondering my questions, and I do hope that answers would be forthcoming from your company in order to balance out the negativity surrounding your company and land banking in general. I am of the opinion that this particular site does have very good development potential, however, I believe that the way in which your company appears to be trying to package it up and circumvent the long drawn out process is indeed detrimental to the overall chance of a planning gain.

Whilst your research is very comprehensive you have perhaps missed the simplest question. If this land has any potential for planning permission why on earth wouldn't it be bought by a professional developer rather than being flogged by cold calling to people on the other side of the world?
pboyle, I'm afraid that is not a question for me to answer, and in truth I would prefer not to speculate as to the merits or the true intentions of the company at this juncture.

As I said at the start of my post I am only posing questions that I hope will garner answers in order that we can gain a true picture of the company and it's model.

They do appear to have paid quite a hefty price for the land judging by the entry on the deeds and I'm slightly bemused as to why they would pay such a price if there was no potential in the site.

Another point with regards to the deeds and clauses is that the previous owners appear to have a clause allowing them a 50% share in the uplift on the profits resulting from a planning permission gain. This is all quite confusing and even more so having looked on SJ Capitals web site and noticed the houghton regis site has been removed from their homepage.
Don't think for a minute that you are going to make money with this type of thing. The guys involved with this were part of the UKLI scam, now they are just repeating it.