Harvey Walsh is a fraud. His course is rubbish and anyone who bought in to his crap is.. i'm sorry to say this, a fool!
I did some searching on this character and guess what.. Harvey Walsh is not his real name!!! His real name is James Steem.. or so he says
here. This James Steem character is a savvy numerologist.. and also has some deep insight in the art of.. Tarot cards! We all know these are the trades of the devious con-artist.
Strangely enough James Steem aka. Harvey Walsh went on a pilgrimage throughout the world and rounded up some guru's. Sat down and had a little chat with them. After that, James was transformed from a meaningless maggot to an all knowing super being, that even the guru's respected and even feared. I believe this story comes along with any business, Mr. Steem is so brilliantly doing!
He's a scammer and tries to get into your wallet by selling you empty dreams and nothing else. He tries to cash in on the ultimate human trait, laziness. There are NO shortcuts to making it big.. in anything! Like in sports, arts or life, becoming top dog doesn't come out of a little booklet, like Harvey Walsh aka James Steem is selling.
Also, before I forget.. James Steem also has yet another different alter ego, named Henry Doyle. This character is the host of
The Trade Show on YouTube.
Watching the clips of Harvey Walsh, James Steem and Henry Doyle, you've noticed that all have the same way of speech.. except, Mr. Walsh! His voice seem to be much lower and probably was created with some sort of voice manipulation software. Even if your deaf you could clearly hear the similarities.
In his clips, Mr. Walsh says he's using eSignal for the charts, but uses a different peace of crap software to do his trades. DO NOT USE IT! DO NOT USE ANYTHING COMING FROM HIM! Most serious traders use Tradestation, eSignal or something equel and do their trades with the service most cheapest, which usually is Interactive Brokers.
But, I can hear you say, he shows us his trades and we see him win? We do, but do not get a clip every single day. Maybe he only shows his best days and best trades. Or maybe he's using some sort of software, which plays back the quotes in a simulator. He would know in advance when to go long/short and thus make easy money. I simply can not check how he does his tricks, but I know they are tricks.. and that should be enough to know he's a scammer.
Harvey Walsh is certainly not a man with brass balls. He monitors every single comment on his YouTube clips and any criticism is filtered. Fools, ending up buying his crap and asking some insight, he simply points them back to his ****ty booklet on page this or that.. yadda yadda.. and that's that! He's totally in control and if these folks can't find an answer, he simply filters them out, making the rest believe these people where helped by the Guru.
He is devious, but stupid. Like some dude posted a comment, about Walsh's clips being "stock market pornography" (clip on 12 March 2008). I contacted the poster and asked him what he meant by that statement. He told me he was fed up with being filtered by Walsh because he knows and convinced me, that he's a fraud. He explained that pornography is a fantasy. A dream and certainly not real. And so goes for the crap Walsh serves.. but to his surprise, Walsh did not filter out the comment, proving his IQ is probably below average, which basically screws your plan to become a top dog trader, like Harvey pretends to be!
The comment: "Food for thought: Is this stock market pornography?" by Smirnoff71 (vodka seems to be good for the brain
More info:
Power Numerology
Article Written by James Steem on Numerology
YouTube - thetradeshow's Channel
YouTube - jamessteem's Channel
ps. To Harvey Walsh, James Steem, Henry Doyle or whatever your name may be. Removing the clips, sites or any other material you created to trick your visitors will not change the fact your a dirty little scammer.. and I will post them again, because copies are made and will be posted. You can run.. but will only make you die tired!