I am not sure about that. On the 18th 0f February, he opened 150 Standard Lots when he would have known he was at his margin limits.
I am thinking that he has upped the ante and is going all out to try to recover his losses. (I will check his trades next week)
Even if Zulutrader is showing it as a multiple of 10, it still means that:
last week the trader lost $469,000
this week he has lost 40 standards at 90pips each. That is a loss of $36,000
this week he has lost 40 standards at 65pips each. That is a loss of $26,000
this week he has lost 20 standards at 13.7 pips each. That is a loss of $2,740
thats a total loss this week of $64,740
And he is has 100 lots open with a win/loss of USD $1000 per pip
Just when I thought that the above trader was a big trader on Zulutrader, I found this group (ZuluTrade - Performance ). They are calling themselves a hedge fund ( ?? ) called NFT Investments based in France ( Now For Tomorrow Investment | Growing performance and generosity ).
Over 13 months,( between 8th Feb 2012 and today) they have lost €865,467.41 (thats over USD $1.11 Million)
BUT in addition, they have tens of thousands of pips of unrealised losses from open trades dating back to May 2012 :-0 😱
Some heavyweight traders are getting killed on Zulutrade