It appears we were completely wrong about Zulutrade, followers seem to play it too safe, trading at minimum possible size. I have $48,000 worth of accounts, that's 11 followers in total, and I make just $0.20 per trade! How ridiculous is that, see the statement , it's not worth the time at all to do full time trading, and even these low frequency trades I do generate 20 - 70 pips each, which is pathetic considering the payout Zulutrade offers.
Imagine how many 1000s of followers I will have to get to make a serious income,
at $0.05 per trade, per follower..., it's pathetic, if I ever make money from this I will quit it at few $1000, that's all I need
Moreover, followers see risking their own money, and also follow more than one providers, there seems to be a serious inherent issue with money management as the provider does his own MM and the follower changes trading size up/dn, the result is NO M.M. at all!