Your trading Room??

Made no money with YTR and they didn't make it also.

In my eyes is YTR sceam.

I had vacation some time on 2010 first Q and as I am into Forex (always want to improve my traiding etc.). I had free access for a week to YTR (actually got two weeks I think). I had YTR live trading always open and I was shocked what trades quys took. In my eyes they were just chopping the market and it was like looking at less experienced myself with trades. Anyway I desided to tri and was trading live with the guys together 24h/5. Yes I did it around the clock.

Why do I think it was a sceam. Because trades the Traders took in live crated negative balance for account and when trade was closed too earli there was alvays one super trainee who started to post that he/she eas still in the trade and made a lot of mony and how easy it was. Also the Traders claimed next day when online again that after they went offline they found some more trades and made positive pips..that didn't impress me at all.

..and I was doing the same trades the Traders did in live Forex room (with my live account) I took trades as they said even when I saw that it will not work out and it was not very good for my trading account.

Yes I have been using them now for 6 months and am up over 1200 pips I was scared when I started with them and didn't have any Forex experience. Most of the people that say bad things about it are traders that think they are to smart to get some help so let them be smart and keep taking losses while I take profits
The traders/moderators were good. Unfortunately the company has gone out of business and scammed a lot of people. Total rip-off.
So Your Trading Room is no longer operating and it is the fault of the COO Joseph Nikolson and CEO Richard Waryn. Both the scam artists sought to move the shares in this company to a new company in order to take ownership and remove liability to investors and to line their own pockets with the profits and make the company more attractive to new investors that they intended to screw over.

What bought the company undone was that the owner and major shareholder found out their plan and tried to stop it resulting in the company accounts being frozen. This means no operating capital to continue business.

The underhanded tactics of Richard Waryn and Joseph (joe) Nikolson has resulted in thousands of members missing out on what they paid for.

A big warning goes out to other companies considering hiring Richard Waryn or Joseph Nikolson, they are working to their own hidden agenda. I am sure there are other stories that relate to these con men, especially Joseph Nikolson who clearly lacks any capability, well considering he was also axed from the Bonds group!!

Beware people, there is way more going on than just a company that has ceased to operate.
So Your Trading Room is no longer operating and it is the fault of the COO Joseph Nikolson and CEO Richard Waryn. Both the scam artists sought to move the shares in this company to a new company in order to take ownership and remove liability to investors and to line their own pockets with the profits and make the company more attractive to new investors that they intended to screw over.

Seriously, ....Shares? You mean physical private shares, which have a value based on the percentage of direct capital buy in or by some some other contribution, either valued relative to total company equity?

Are we talking actual Equity stakes these men made?

You are privy to such inside info, Simon7?

Or is this just a case of "Simon SeZ"

And these COs, "scam artists," attempted to with draw their capital "buy in" and move it to a "new company?" How exactly does one accomplish this 'cashing out' transfer with out consent of the board of directors, and moreover, other principle share holders, and finally, the controller, and ultimately, once the lock out period has expired.


What bought the company undone was that the owner and major shareholder found out their plan and tried to stop it resulting in the company accounts being frozen. This means no operating capital to continue business.

A big warning goes out to other companies considering hiring Richard Waryn or Joseph Nikolson, they are working to their own hidden agenda. I am sure there are other stories that relate to these con men, especially Joseph Nikolson who clearly lacks any capability, well considering he was also axed from the Bonds group!!

Beware people, there is way more going on than just a company that has ceased to operate.

So it sounds like it was a classic run on what was left of the company's capital, and I wonder how much exactly was that? Do you Know? Can You Guess?

Obviously, Not enough to pay employees....... the actual nut, bolts and back bone of the "future?" company?, were they too promised to become share holders in lieu? Do you Know? Can You Guess?

So how exactly did the scenario play out, I can guess but it just begs more ?s:

THE major share holder goes on an "off$hore vacation, while wittingly or fearfully, the other company officers seek to by pass the controller and cash out their original buy in...... or...... out right loot whatever is left?

But wait, company accounts are simply frozen?..... as in... illiquid at this time. as in the capital still exists....... just in accessible...... at this time.

All that is presently needed is a basic thawing simple as a frozen TV dinner.

So all members and investors need is a microwave, a can of Sterno, or a match.

And they're cool?
check who was on the board, Should explain how the underhanded attempt of share transfer was achieved. You can google Joseph Nikolson or Richard Waryn to find that out. May also check Joes involvement with Totally Fx an steer clear. Only a warning to traders and investors.
check who was on the board, Should explain how the underhanded attempt of share transfer was achieved. You can google Joseph Nikolson or Richard Waryn to find that out. May also check Joes involvement with Totally Fx an steer clear. Only a warning to traders and investors.

OK so your logic is because they were on the board, they are in complete control and ultimately liable?

Just beacause they are, doesn't mean they did, anything.

Waryn was "voted-in" to YTR less than a year ago, his stated investment was a regional distributorship:

Your Trading Room Appoints Richard H. Waryn to Serve as New Global CEO and Chairman of the Board

Nikolson was with Trade Station previously and came on board YTR, shortly after the prop trader program was developed and totallyfx created, along with Sheely, to be broker or IB, probably the latter since you need 20M capital to legally run a fx brokerage.

So before the ball even gets rolling these guys attempt to wrestle control over a fledgling retail fx educational company, as if there is SOME, if ANY, value there?

It seems pointless to grapple over, let alone polish, a turd.