Your favourite quote.

Online chatrooms are natural laboratories for the observation of illusions and distortions, although their psychology is more often brutally basic than subtly specious.

JA Paulos
Hope it hasn't been done already -

"If you don't bet, you can't win. If you lose all your chips you can't bet" Larry Hite.

Can be applied to life in general as well as trading.
'' I went to the cinema '' Said Tim
'' Oh yeah, how was it? '' Said Mary
'' It was alright actually '' Said Tim
'' Thats good, goodbye Tim '' Said Mary

- Gladiator X
Let us endeavour, then, to think well (clearly); this is the principle of morality.

Blaise Pascal

If only.
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I like Julie Meyer's articles in CityAM which I often read. Today's was quite striking and relevant to our time I reckon... Steve Jobs perspective is very enlightening and spot on too.

It is a little longer than a quote but the whole article is a quote on life.

Enjoy... 👍

New Year resolutions for entrepreneur country

Tuesday, 5th January 2010


NEW YEAR, New Chance, the chance to do things differently. If you continue to do what you’ve always done, you’ll get more of what you’ve already got.

The reason I have spent my life moving around – from San Francisco, to Chicago, to Cambridge, to Paris, to Boston, to Fontainebleau to London – is to keep reinventing myself in order to stay fresh.

Here are a handful of New Year’s Resolutions from the world of fast-growing, relatively new businesses, which are bursting into fresh, uncontested market spaces, enabled by technology, fuelled by finance, and led by visionaries.

1. Don’t take risks in 2010.?This is a year when you should be cautious. Focus on relentless execution instead.

2. Focus on what you can influence, which always begins as something small but gets bigger as time goes on. Don’t focus on what interests you.

3. Align, align, align: value is created when people are aligned in a common pursuit. The old “I win, you lose” no longer works in a network-oriented, highly-connected world. The people and companies that are winning are organising the economics of the ecosystems in which they operate.

4. Play to your strengths – you can only create an “unfair advantage” by doing something you’re good at that you love. If the timing is right, you can build significant value. If you’re a “big” company, you should use your strengths to provide scale to smaller innovative companies. Provide reach and distribution capability to the young firms that are innovating – don’t try to innovate yourself.

5. Unleash the momentum of the individual. Iqbal Quadir, founder of GrameenPhone and Massachusetts Institute of Technology’s Legatum Centre, says: “Aid to governments has empowered authorities and not necessarily citizens. Mobile phones, the internet and similar technologies that empower the individual turn that on its head, and shift the power to the individual – making individual capitalism the force for prosperity and democracy in the 21st Century.”

6. Stay hungry, stay foolish and remember you’re going to die. As Steve Jobs wrote in a Commencement Address to Stanford University in June 2005:?“Remembering that I’ll be dead soon is the most important tool I’ve ever encountered to help me make the big choices in life. Because almost everything — all external expectations, all pride, all fear of embarrassment or failure – these things just fall away in the face of death, leaving only what is truly important.

“Remembering that you are going to die is the best way I know to avoid the trap of thinking you have something to lose. You are already naked. There is no reason not to follow your heart.... Stay Hungry, Stay Foolish.”
Doesn't the last paragraph contradict number 1. ?

Yes it does to some extent but it may be Steve Jobs' quote mixed up with Julie Meyer's.

I suspect the more hard up and hungry you are the more desperate and hard driving for success one becomes.
My favourite quote

Faith is knowing 1 of 2 things shall happen, either you will be:
1-given something solid to stand on
2-taught how to fly
