Your favourite quote.

In addition to reducing the costs of production, marketing and processing, futures markets provide continuous, accurate, well-publicized price information and continuous liquid markets. Futures trading is [thus] beneficial to the public which ultimately consumes the goods traded in the futures markets. Without the speculator futures markets could not function. -- Professor Richard Teweles (The Futures Game)
Capitalism is the even distribution of wealth, Socialism is the even distribution of misery. (Unless you are at the top.)
“I can calculate the movement of the stars, but not the madness of men.”
– Sir Isaac Newton, after losing a fortune in the South Sea bubble
The pursuit of excellence is less profitable than the pursuit of bigness, but it can be more satisfying.
That Billie Jean shes not my lover
shes just a girl who claims i am the one
but the kid is not my son!
JTrader, have you had too much coffee today?

Capitalism is the even distribution of wealth, Socialism is the even distribution of misery. (Unless you are at the top.)

Capitalism and socialism are just dogma. A truly pragmatic political system would take the useful policies from both and abandon the rest as claptrap, fear, and nonsense.

Here's another of my fav quotes:

We seek not to imitate the masters, rather we seek what they sought.

Sadly I don't know who it's from. Andy Pandy maybe 😉
Supports leads to resistance, resistance leads to support. Support leads to resistance, resistance leads to support.
Supports leads to resistance, resistance leads to support. Support leads to resistance, resistance leads to support.
Supports leads to resistance, resistance leads to support. Support leads to resistance, resistance leads to support.
Supports leads to resistance, resistance leads to support. Support leads to resistance, resistance leads to support.
Supports leads to resistance, resistance leads to support. Support leads to resistance, resistance leads to support.
Supports leads to resistance, resistance leads to support. Support leads to resistance, resistance leads to support.
Supports leads to resistance, resistance leads to support. Support leads to resistance, resistance leads to support.......

......and so the price action pattern of demand V's Supply unfolds.
I think, therefore i am.

wikipedia -
"Cogito, ergo sum" (Latin: "I think, therefore I am"), sometimes misquoted as Dubito, ergo cogito, ergo sum (Latin: "I doubt, therefore I think, therefore I am")[1], is a philosophical statement used by René Descartes, which became a foundational element of Western philosophy. The simple meaning of the phrase is that if someone is wondering whether or not he exists, that is in and of itself proof that he does exist.[2]

Descartes's original statement was "Je pense donc je suis," from his Discourse on Method (1637). He uses the Latin "Cogito ergo sum" in the later Principles of Philosophy (1644), Part 1, article 7: "Ac proinde hæc cognitio, ego cogito, ergo sum, est omnium prima & certissima, quæ cuilibet ordine philosophanti occurrat.", by which time it had become popularly known as 'the "Cogito Ergo Sum" argument
And this one:

Most people like to think of themselves as risk takers, but what they really want is a guaranteed outcome with some momentary suspense to make them feel as if the outcome had been in doubt. The momentary suspense adds the thrill factor necessary to keep our lives from getting too boring.

-- Mark Douglas
I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it.
Voltaire (1694 - 1778), (Attributed); originated in "The Friends of Voltaire", 1906, by S. G. Tallentyre (Evelyn Beatrice Hall)

This has got to be the worst - finger in throat - quote ever...
Watch and learn.

(Although its a lot easier to learn if you know what you are looking out for!)
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Drawing diagram on a flip chart....'This is a Bank, see the nice people putting their $'s in...' Hank Paulson explaining current crisis to Bush