You May Be Aware, But do You Believe It


Junior member
You may be aware of what you need to do in 2009 to get out of the rat race, but do you believe it and more importantly will you TAKE ACTION?

From Trading in the Zone by Mark Douglas - Chapter 4: Aligning Your Mental Environment:

People often describe the internal mental shift breakthrough as an "ah ha" experience, or the moment when the light goes on. Everyone has had these kinds of experiences, and there are some common qualities associated with them. First, we usually feel different. The world even seems different, as if it had suddenly changed. Typically, we might say at the moment of the breakthrough something like "Why didn't you tell me this before?" or "It was right in front of me all of the time, but I didn't see it" or, "It's so simple; why couldn't I see it beore?" Another interesting phenomenon pf the "ah ha" experience, is that sometimes within moments, although the amount of time can vary, we feel as if this new part of our identity has always been a part of who we are. It then becomes difficult to believe that we were ever the way we were before we had the experience.

In short, you may already have some awareness of much of what you need to know to be a consistently successful trader. But being aware of something doesn’t automatically make it a functional part of who you are. Awareness is not necessarily a belief. You can’t assume that learning about something new and agreeing with it is the same as believing it a level where you can act on it . I have uncovered several typical contradictions and conflicts surrounding the issues of risk and responsibility, where holding two or more conflicting beliefs can easily cancel out your positive intentions, no matter how motivated you are to be successful. The problem is that none of these contradictions are really obvious, at least not at first glance.

Contradictory beliefs and nonfunctional awareness represent flawed mental software code; code that destroys your ability to stay focused and accomplish your goals; code that makes it seem as if you simultaneously have one foot on the accelerator and the other on the brake; code that gives learning how to trade a mysterious quality that will be challenging in a fun way at first, but usually turn into pure, unadulterated exasperation.

One of the most famous quotes is Knowledge is Power. I disagree. Being able to Manipulate knowledge is Power! You can know something, but stay exactly the same. If you cannot take this new knowledge and improve your life, then who cares?
Ten years ago I realised I hated my job, which meant but also that I could do something about that. My friends and family had been saying for years, how does he have time to work? - he has so many other interests and things going on?

At the time I could not imagine another life founded on another job but I realised I had let my job be the foundation of my life. I have managed to change all that and am a different person in so many ways now. We all must just realise that each morning we take a decision to carry on as we are or to change: not that change will occur overnight, and for the lucky few it won't even be necessary, but just so long as we realise that we have the choice, every single morning when the alarm goes off. This is nothing to do with the rat race - I am the ultimate company suit now and have almost doubled my salary in the last 5 years and drive a bigger car than my Dad ever dreamed of owning. But, if you wake up tomorrow and think your life is sh*t, just realise its noody else's fault. Dig yourself out or stop complaining.