arabian if you want good idea then put a tenner on the japanese for the rugby world cup.
they are in a tough group with NewZealand, France, Tonga and Canada. 3rd is best realistic result for them.
* world cup is actually in New Zealand, who have also had earthquake
* rugby crowd always love underdogs
* they play actually entertaining rugby a la BONSAI! (hong kong 7's anyone?? Ok different country, but...)
put money on them now, then when the world cup comes about in a few months, there will be lots of rugby fans who put cheeky tenner on 'em out of admiration in wake of disaster/champagne rugby/underdogs/sympathy
as well, the kiwi's might adopt them as second team because
- in same group so would like them to beat france
- had earthquake as well so feel affinity
- like entertaining rugby like the japs play
- most of NZ team come from tonga/samoa/fiji anyway (bit of a joke)
anyway by time world cup comes odds will (i mean could) shorten.