yahoo's eod data


Hi All, Ive been using yahoo's eod data feed now for a while and i knew that the US data is delayed by a day's trading but the UK data feed used to be updated daily and now has started being updated a day late as with the US data. This now has become a concern so i was wondering if its either a 1 off because of easter or perminant. if its perminant then could someone point me to a reliable eod feed that is free please? ps i have read the threads on the board the ones (eod data feeds) that are posted dont seem as reliable as yahoo's.

thanks for your time

Yahoo seem to have a particular problem with their historical prices at the moment. Various UK stocks haven't been updated since 29 March, S&P 500 not since 24 March. This is par for the course I'm afraid for the free sites (though even on paid feeds you will get problems now and then, just not as many).

Give it a few more days and it'll probably go back to normal.

I use the MSN site for daily updates of U.S. stocks. I am usually not able to retrieve EOD prices until the next morning. There have been a few times in the past couple months that prices were not available for 2 days.

The price is right even with the service delays, which do occur every so often. As Ken said, Yahoo will probably return to normal within a few days.
Pulling my hair out

Its driving me mad.. QQQ could you direct me to the download link for MSN historical quotes please? tried having a quick look before but could only find charts! thanks guys/girls?!. This is causing me more stress than actully losing money. 😛

The software I use downloads MSN's data directly into it. Regretfully, I do not know the link used for downloading this high volume of data.

You can use this link to download MSN data symbol by symbol:

This link will bring up a chart for AK Steel (an example coming quickly to mind). You can customize the data and create a table for downloading each symbol you want.

Sorry to not be able to offer more helpful suggestions.
QQQShort said:

The software I use downloads MSN's data directly into it. Regretfully, I do not know the link used for downloading this high volume of data.

You can use this link to download MSN data symbol by symbol:

This link will bring up a chart for AK Steel (an example coming quickly to mind). You can customize the data and create a table for downloading each symbol you want.

Sorry to not be able to offer more helpful suggestions.

Thanks QQQ still cannot find this download button anywhere though... seems like yahoo has updated though fingers crossed its all peachy. 🙁
What is the best down loadable end of day commodity futures data vendor source - preferably free, and with continuous data, and with some history available. Thanks Bill

billmohl said:
What is the best down loadable end of day commodity futures data vendor source - preferably free, and with continuous data, and with some history available. Thanks Bill , is quite good, so is the wall street analyzer program (just do a search on google) WSA uses yahoo's EOD, another site which allows access to UK markets in realtime is and its free.

