

Experienced member
Hey Guys

Just stumbled upon this today!

Looks like you can do spreadbet on Forex futures from 10p a pip 😀

I guess a good platform to test with live money 👍

Never liked using demo money as I could never get the "real" feel.

Anyone used them? Looks like they are quite new? ... platform looks like finspreads
though.. so probably another label.

Will give them a try and see.

Just City Index, again....

Yes, but with a much smaller bet size. As chilltrader has spotted, the 10p per point does not appear to be time limited as other sb's introductory features. This would make them the best outfit for newbies to try their hand with real cash after first having a play on a demo sb account, they also look to have a very different looking platform if you choose to switch away from the finspreads look.

partymarkets - hmm, doesn't really convey the right feeling for a name that an sb should have, although i'm sure partygaming execs know what they are doing and the types aimed at ...has stelios started easymarkets yet, in bright orange of course lol.
Yeah, it's Party Gaming white-labelling the City Index platform. 'Good game, good game'
The 'free £100' offer looks quite tempting until you look at the T&Cs more closely. Definitely no 10p bets there!
The terms and conditions changed today (03/03/2009).
- £3 per point minimum stake removed completely.
- Minimum deposit to qualify increased to £200.
- you need 20 qualifying trades.
The terms and conditions changed today (03/03/2009).
- £3 per point minimum stake removed completely.
- Minimum deposit to qualify increased to £200.
- you need 20 qualifying trades.

Hmmm, that's interesting - so now you can put up £200, do 20 quick scalps at 10p/point and then pull out a free £100. Is that correct? If so, I'd be up for it - it's completely riskless at low stakes.