Would profitable traders participate in online forums?


I spend time on forums because I can find gold hidden in a snake pit.I get the gold and avoid the snakes .

Without the forums , I wouldn't have become a profitable trader.The answers are not spoon fed .You have to dig hard for the gold , and it is there hidden amongst sharks selling services


I regard forums as leisure time "at work". I don't 'do' Facebook etc.. so my online leisure time is spent perusing (mostly) financial forums and or various newsletters/articles which adds to and constantly tops up/refreshes my overall levels of awareness. There is no single visit to T2W when I havn't learned something new, (however small), which has aided my long and continual journey of self improvement as a trader.

Also, I don't think there's a time I've spent time here and taken my eye of the ball; watching/trading 6 currency pairs now, on 5 min TFs, not that difficult is it?🙂
Also, I don't think there's a time I've spent time here and taken my eye of the ball; watching/trading 6 currency pairs now, on 5 min TFs, not that difficult is it?🙂

I get automated programs to watch currencies every millisecond , and execute trades automatically i.e entries ,exits ,trade management ,stop etc.I am not slave to my screen.

Also, I don't think there's a time I've spent time here and taken my eye of the ball; watching/trading 6 currency pairs now, on 5 min TFs, not that difficult is it?🙂

Black Swan

Which pairs do you trade ?

I made a system which determines from 8 currencies which currency to short and which to long, the scripts in metatrader calculate which is strongest currency and weakest currency , result = buy strongest sell weakest of the eight.

I will release the system for free one day , when I have free time.Right now I have 2 big projects.

Black Swan

Which pairs do you trade ?

I made a system which determines from 8 currencies which currency to short and which to long, the scripts in metatrader calculate which is strongest currency and weakest currency , result = buy strongest sell weakest of the eight.

I will release the system for free one day , when I have free time.Right now I have 2 big projects.


I day trade the usual suspects; whichever have the lowest spreads. I swing a few too, particularly GBP/YEN (cos the spread is just too high for day trading). Give us a heads up later in the year and I'll be a guinea pig for your piece of kit 🙂
What were you hoping to achieve from this thread?

-A number of people on here claim to be profitable.

-You don't take their word for it so start a thread asking if profitable traders participate in online forums.

-On your thread you are told of those that claim to be profitable here.... but won't take anyones word for it.

You were only ever going to end up going round in circles

For what it's worth, why would a traders profitability have a huge effect on wether or not they visit this site? Profitable traders don't have much more or less time on their hands than unprofitable traders. Profitable traders don't neccessarily have better or worse things to do with their spare time than unprofitable ones.... They're just better at trading!

There are a number of good profitable traders who use this site and one or two EXTREMELY profitable traders. Fact. wether or not the ones here that make a song and dance of their success are really as they appear is much more debateable.

Do you mind telling us who these profitable traders are so we can sift out all the nonsense and head straight for their posts?
i got question as well

Up to now my trading has been confined to stocks. I am thinking of moving onto mutual funds but I am unable to find daily historical daily open, close, high and low prices which I can download from a site,input into my trading software apply technical analysis indicators and thus take a trading decision. Can anyone help?
I am profitable and visit this site

I find that part of my profitability comes from not being too greedy AND not over trading and allowing trading costs to eat up all my profit. Therefore by definition I have time to spend reading and occasionally contributing here as part of my ongoing research/learning.
Do you mind telling us who these profitable traders are so we can sift out all the nonsense and head straight for their posts?

I am a profitable trader since the begining of this year, but I am not trading to full capacity .There are a few obstacles to full profitability ,and they include the brokers and bucket shops I deal through.

As soon as these brokers problems have been sorted , trading will be in full swing.

I have often posted links to my live account performance.

i got question as well

up to now my trading has been confined to stocks. I am thinking of moving onto mutual funds but i am unable to find daily historical daily open, close, high and low prices which i can download from a site,input into my trading software apply technical analysis indicators and thus take a trading decision. Can anyone help?

Do you mind telling us who these profitable traders are so we can sift out all the nonsense and head straight for their posts?

Nobody answers this question on the forums .

Why would he? He has nothing or not much to learn from it and is likely to be mightily annoyed by the silly posturing of amateurs desperately trying to impress their peers .Traders trade and when they are done with it they just enjoy their lives and forget trading .
Nobody answers this question on the forums .

Why would he? He has nothing or not much to learn from it and is likely to be mightily annoyed by the silly posturing of amateurs desperately trying to impress their peers .Traders trade and when they are done with it they just enjoy their lives and forget trading .

Nobody? I answered this on another thread a few weeks ago -

"Firstly there is a genuine sense of comradeship amongst traders. We've all struggled at some time or other, usually when first starting out but things go wrong at other times too and its really helpful to have other views of possible improvements or solutions.

Secondly you can regard it as not totally free anyway. I have profitable approaches to trading but I visit this forum to dig up challenges to my own strategies and ways of thinking. Sometimes I provoke challenges to see if my systems fall apart under independent scrutiny. This will make them stronger, meaning more profit for me, so a few posts of advice in return about what I do and how I do it is only fair payment in recompense.

Thirdly even if I disclose every single minute detail of how I trade, it has no impact on how the markets behave, so there is no negative impact on my trading. From that point of view, disclosure is free to me."

I must also add it is highly amusing to come on T2W and see the strange things people post.
But maybe you don't think they are strange......
Agreed. We are the band of brothers! We been thru it all together. And we came out the other end, alive 👍