Am I the only one that doesn't have a clue what the point of this thread is?
No disrespect meant, but I just am not getting it. I'll admit it, I'm sh1t at analyzing other peoples trading (mostly because it's meaningless to me and my trading), so if that's the point then I'm sure I FAILED.
Hehe, i dont seem to do to well in general re getting my point across
The main point of the thread is for my education, and those reasons and results are gona stay with me.
Points for you guys are (id hope):-
1) You can control 'risk' without using stops
2) You can work your way into 'the' position without the risk of losing that position to a stop.
3) That managing is very different from averaging down.
4) That you dont have to be a magician that 'knows' where the ideal entry should be, or for that matter the 'right' place, to put that stop.
5) That you can improve your position in a way that benefits you, Ie looking at the numbers the worst way (ave - ave), I improved my position by 133pts, it cost me around 90pts inc costs and im new fish with this, bags of scope for improvement.
EDIT:- Consider the scared money shorts rolling in after 1 oclock, depending on how much confirmation they needed, 90pts wouldnt have lasted the day let alone two. Once you are stopped out (big stops little stops, dont matter), your opportunity to benefit from a favorable move is gone, until you decide to play again.
think thats about it, sure theres more
I'll admit it, I'm sh1t at analyzing other peoples trading (mostly because it's meaningless to me and my trading)
EDIT:- I think we should be careful how we think about this.
What i mean is, if you investigate with an open mind, understand and come to a decision, thats great, youve given yourself the op to learn.
However, If we dismiss out of hand because something doesnt align with our beliefs or we just plain dont understand it, then we can rob ourselves of the op to learn.