Workshop: Algorithmic Trading with Python


I’m organizing a workshop next Tuesday (21 March) on “Algorithmic Trading with Python” and I thought it would be worth posting it here. Here’s the link with more information:

Apologies in advance to the moderators if you feel that it’s not worth sharing here - happy for it to be taken down. Let me know if you have any questions / comments, glad to answer them here.

I’m organizing a workshop next Tuesday (21 March) on “Algorithmic Trading with Python” and I thought it would be worth posting it here. Here’s the link with more information:

Apologies in advance to the moderators if you feel that it’s not worth sharing here - happy for it to be taken down. Let me know if you have any questions / comments, glad to answer them here.

Can you post the recordings after?
Yes, anyone who signs up will get an email a couple of days later with a link to the recording and other material (code etc).
That's not what I meant, I asked if you can post it here for the whole community if possible... Thanks!
We normally do it via the sign-up. You can use a burner email address if you like of course, but we're very careful with our email list and don't spam it (for one thing, if we do, the Eye of Sauron Google's email analytics will put us into everyone's Spam anyway).
We normally do it via the sign-up. You can use a burner email address if you like of course, but we're very careful with our email list and don't spam it (for one thing, if we do, the Eye of Sauron Google's email analytics will put us into everyone's Spam anyway).
Also: we do share other material in those emails: githubs, Jupyter notebooks etc
We happen to trade on crypto exchanges currently (because they're the lowest hanging fruit) but everything we do is general.