Algorithmic Trading: free networking breakfast + morning seminar


Experienced member
Just got an email from Dow Jones with a freebie invitation for a morning seminar. No doubt it will involve a plug for their services, but anyways, I thought I'd put the invite out there for my fellow T2W'ers in case anyone is interested in something like this

Algorithmic Trading: The Next Stage
To celebrate the launch of our news solutions for algorithmic trading, Dow Jones has the pleasure of inviting you to a breakfast briefing on Thursday, 29 November 2007 from 8:30am until 11.30am at the Great Eastern Hotel. Register Here.

08:30 Breakfast
09:30 Welcome & Introduction
09:35 What's Next for Algorithmic Trading?
Charlie Platt, Progress Apama

10:05 Dow Jones Elementized News Feed
Hugh Taggart, Dow Jones

10:20 The Quantitative Revolution
Armando Gonzalez, RavenPack International

10:50 Workshop
11:30 Finish

Registration for this event is complimentary for you and 2 guests.

Places for this event are limited so register today to avoid disappointment.

Closing date for registration is Monday, 26 November 2007.

Kind regards,

Nikki Carpenter

Marketing Manager
Dow Jones and Company
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Thanks for posting these things. If I were there at the time I'd definitely be interested in checking that out.
Sounds interesting. While it's important to have a trading style one is comfortable with it's never a bad idea to keep abreast of what's going on out there around one.