Wirral Traders; why are you PM-ing me about your *stuff*?

Give the guy a break he's just trying to advertise his business. Its no big deal. At least he's not drug dealing or stealing hub caps!
Give the guy a break he's just trying to advertise his business. Its no big deal. At least he's not drug dealing or stealing hub caps!

So you see those banner ads at the top of the page? He can buy space off T2W, or spend a couple of grand to have someone create him a simple/functional website and crack on through setting up an ad sense programme from Google...instead of which we get all this sophist speak *stuff* and covert messages in your in-box. And as if it hasn't been done a thousand times before...:rolleyes: The snake oil is so diluted now it's not even dehydrated snake pi55...
So you see those banner ads at the top of the page? He can buy space off T2W, or spend a couple of grand to have someone create him a simple/functional website and crack on through setting up an ad sense programme from Google...instead of which we get all this sophist speak *stuff* and covert messages in your in-box. And as if it hasn't been done a thousand times before...:rolleyes: The snake oil is so diluted now it's not even dehydrated snake pi55...

Stealing hubcaps...scousers...geddit?

I thought his post was funny.


Bob Hope was on 'Surprise Surprise', and bragged that despite his 97 years of age, he could still have sex three times a night. After the show, Cilla said, "Bob, if I'm not being too forward, I'd love to have sex with an older man. Let's go back to my place." So they go back to her place and have great sex.

Afterwards, Bob says, "If you think that was good, let me sleep for a half hour, and we can have even better sex. But while I'm sleeping, hold my testicles in your left hand and my ***** in your right hand." Cilla looks a bit perplexed, but says, "Okay."

He sleeps for half an hour,awakens, and they have even better sex. Then Bob says, " Cilla , that was wonderful. But if you let me sleep for an hour, we can have the best sex yet. But again, hold my testicles in your left hand, and my ***** in your right hand."

Cilla once again says, "Great Bob, but tell me, does my holding your testicles in my left hand and your ***** in my right stimulate you while you're sleeping?"

Bob replies, "No, the last time I slept with a Scouser, she stole my wallet!"

Liverpool's new signing, Rigobert Song from Cameroon, has just played his first game for the (once) 'Mighty Reds'. He dashes into the players lounge and phones his mother to tell her all about it. "Oh, Rigobert"...she squeals....."....I am so pleased and proud of you, at last you are playing for a great team......they may not be as great as they once were, but I hear they have won the European Cup four times. ....but, son.....things are not so good at home. I am really worried. The violence is getting too much, your sister has been raped twice, your dear Grandmother has been attacked in the street, there is raw sewage running down the roads, its becoming more like a war-zone every day.

How we let you talk us into coming and living in Liverpool, I'll never know...."

Why are Liverpool supporters useless at making Pancakes?
Because they're all useless ******s

Why did Gerard Houllier go to Argos?
It's the only place he could pick up Premier Points.

Q. Why can't you circumcise a Scouser?
A. Because there is no end to those pricks.

Q. Why do pigeons fly upside down over Liverpool?
A. Because there's nothing worth ****ting on.

Why wasn't Jesus born in Merseyside?
Because God couldn't find three wise men and a virgin.

A man was walking down a street in the centre of Manchester and saw a Rotweiler attacking an old lady. He immediately ran over to the dog and started to struggle in which he sustained many bites, but he eventually he got his hands around the dog's neck and strangled it until it was dead. A passing reporter commented: that was ****ing fantastic how you saved that old dears life!, I have to write a story about this, how about the headline - Manchester United fan saves granny's life?, "i'm not a Utd fan" replied the bloke. "well how about Man City fan saves granny's life"? said the reporter. "I'm not a City fan either" siad our hero, " I'm from Liverpool". "Never mind I know just the headline, you read the paper tomorrow" said the reporter. The man picks up the paper the following day to read the headline - SCOUSE ******* KILLS FAMILY PET!!

One day a Jew, a Hindu, and a scouser all arrived at their hotel to find that there had been a mix-up with the bookings, and that there was only one room left for them to share. The manager explained that this room only had two beds, but that there was a barn at a neighbouring farm which the farmer, an old friend of his, would let one of them sleep in free of charge.

They complained a bit, but since there was nowhere else to go, the Jew graciously said he'd sleep inthe barn. The Hindu and the scouser were just settling down to sleep in their room, when there was a knock on the door. It was the Jew.

"I'm sorry," he said, "but there's a pig in that barn and because I'm Jewish I feel uncomfortable about sharing the barn with it." "No problem," said the Hindu. "I'll sleep out there instead." So off he went to the barn, leaving the scouser and the Jew to share the room.

They were just settling down to sleep, when there was a knock on the door. It was the Hindu. "I'm sorry," he said, "but there's a cow in that barn and because I'm a Hindu I feel uncomfortable about sharing the barn with it."

The scouser grudgingly agreed to give up his bed and stomped off to the barn, leaving the Jew and the Hindu to share the room. The Jew and the Hindu were just settling down to sleep, when there was a knock on the door.

It was the cow and the pig.

What should you do if you see a scouse jogging?
Trip him up and give the lady's purse back to her.

How do you make a scouser run faster?
stick a video player under his arm

Or 'Black Death'

Hey thats getting a bit nasty?!!

Actually I live near Chester, 5 mins from N Wales - there are still a few hub caps left round here - sorry if that messes up the scouser jokes - but keep them coming anyway they're fuelling the lulz...
Give us more lulz wirraltrader... how much would we have to pay for the benefit of having you teach us to trade forex?
I'm not claiming a connection, but a scouser started working at our office last week...


  • Liverpool 05.jpg
    Liverpool 05.jpg
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So you see those banner ads at the top of the page? He can buy space off T2W, or spend a couple of grand to have someone create him a simple/functional website and crack on through setting up an ad sense programme from Google...instead of which we get all this sophist speak *stuff* and covert messages in your in-box. And as if it hasn't been done a thousand times before...:rolleyes: The snake oil is so diluted now it's not even dehydrated snake pi55...

My son would design him a web site for way under a grand (no, he hasn't designed mine but he could see web sites he has designed) so if wirraltraders want a web presence (and an ad sense campaign) - essential to success for a beginning "coach/trainer" - then "wirral trader" can email me.

Ooops - isn't that an advert for my son? Never mind, but if wirral trader is allowed to use PMs to try to whip up business........:LOL:
Sorry if that's a bit cheeky, mods ! :LOL:
