Winter blues Trading 2011/12

sorry heres chart of eur/aud i meant to post earlier


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morning all, should be getting back to some kind of normality at work now so back to dreams of riches and trading.

Today might not be such a good day to start though, news due out for the yen and £ so will wait till after 09:30 to enter any trades.
Barely into December and Blow up no 1 has been completed:clap:

This was great news as it meant that I could go away and reinvent myself yet again(y)

I now know that I'm an action junkie and therefore any type of trading which requires me to watch the screen will end in disaster sooner or later. So longer term trades for me it is then. I'll now use my spare time on the poker tables where my bad discipline can be passed off for varied play and keeping them guessing.

new pretty charts below.


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I'm a sucker for punishment so lets try again.


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