Windows 10 for free

I loaded it first onto a test laptop and had a few issues with AV software preventing it but then it was fine after I had switched that off. I loaded it onto my main one and it has all been fine so far. I am quite good with configuration and have not used the standard settings nor allowed any of the invasion of privacy nonsense that comes with express settings. I also made a complete cloned copy of my HDD first so even if after 30 days I didn't want it then I can restore my pc exactly to how it was with Windows 8.1
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I loaded it first onto a test laptop and had a few issues with AV software preventing it but then it was fine after I had switched that off. I loaded it onto my main one and it has all be fine so far. I am quite good with configuration and have not used the standard settings nor allowed any of the invasion of privacy nonsense that comes with express settings. I also made a complete cloned copy of my HDD first so even if after 30 days I didn't want it then I can restore my pc exactly to how it was with Windows 8.1

Paul. in all the years that I have been on this site, that is the longest post from you that I can remember! 😆
painful experience!!

first off my main monitor was knocked out as the upgrade proceeded. ok that wasn't a massive surprise as I have issues with drivers and main monitor getting disabled. I do not allow windows update to update the video driver to the 8.1 version, also don't allow NVidia auto updates due to any newer version drivers than currently loaded causing same issue.

the kicker was that further along the upgrade the second monitor also is disabled! presenting me with two blank screens and confusion as to what the issue is, or indeed no clue what to do about it 😡

after three forced restarts later, the second monitor kicks in and with relief that the onscreen message says that the update is rolling back to my previous system installation.

will not be trying that again anytime soon.

what a complete waste of 3 gig of bandwidth and an hour or so of my time 🙁
To upgrade without issues requires all previous updates to have been installed so if one is not allowed as you have said then that will probably prevent it.

It has been running now on two of my machines and it is faster than 8.1 and more user friendly.

Did you do a full backup first ?
To upgrade without issues requires all previous updates to have been installed so if one is not allowed as you have said then that will probably prevent it.

It has been running now on two of my machines and it is faster than 8.1 and more user friendly.

Did you do a full backup first ?

thanks paul

every file that is important to me is backed up always, I have a separate 1tb drive for that purpose.

everything, apart from the video card, was up to date prior to starting the windows 10 update.

from the issues I do currently have re monitor issues I can tell the update updated ok the graphics driver to whatever version is the latest, causing my pc to limp along "fine" on the second monitor, until the update hit a snag unknown. one thing I didn't do was pull stuff from usb ports, that I now read, can also cause blank black screens of fail.

i'm sticking with 8.1.

curse you Microsoft and your update of doom and black screens of death 😛
I meant why would you want to use Windows OS anyway?

Your profile says you use Bloomberg. If you really do (and not just the website ffs), you'll know the answer why. Which suggests you're fibbing in your profile big man.

On topic: I've upgraded the home PCs/laptops and all fine so far, in fact quite like the Windows 10 layout.
Your profile says you use Bloomberg. If you really do (and not just the website ffs), you'll know the answer why. Which suggests you're fibbing in your profile big man.

I am well aware Bloomberg is PC only. You obviously never read any of my other posts. Firstly, Bootcamp and Parallels does the job for just about everything. I have Mac Pro with a lot of RAM, which means I can run both OSs simultaneously. I just tell Parallels how much system resources to use. Secondly, I never said I do not have a PC. Windows is still horrible.

Not too sharp!

I am well aware Bloomberg is PC only. You obviously never read any of my other posts.

No, you're way too tedious, you just happened to be infecting this thread with your nonsense.

Firstly, Bootcamp and Parallels does the job for just about everything. I have Mac Pro with a lot of RAM, which means I can run both OSs simultaneously. I just tell Parallels how much system resources to use.

Lol. Good luck with reconfiguring the Bloomberg keyboard.

Secondly, I never said I do not have a PC. Windows is still horrible.

In which case your original statement is a non-sequitor: you must have had a reason.

Not too sharp!

Maybe not, but next to you I'm a flipping rapier.
everything, apart from the video card, was up to date prior to starting the windows 10 update.

I said everything, missed the bios, I know this hasn't been updated since new. is currently AMI 8.18 18/03/2013. latest bios is 8.21 Rev.A 16/06/2015.

what difference it would make i'm not sure, but one update I think i'll pass on.

not desperate to try 10, I like the start/task bar.
No, you're way too tedious, you just happened to be infecting this thread with your nonsense.

tedious? You need a better thesaurus.

Lol. Good luck with reconfiguring the Bloomberg keyboard.

In which case your original statement is a non-sequitor: you must have had a reason.

You are using non-sequitur incorrectly. What a surprise. non-sequiturs require two premises and a conclusion, which does not logically follow the two premises. A statement that does not follow another the train of though from another is not a non-sequitur.

Maybe not, but next to you I'm a flipping rapier.

One space between paragraphs is all that is required. :smart:
My problem with Windows 10 is that it is too slow downloading any documents that I want. Getting into sites and navigating dealers, etc. do not give problems with speed. etc. I have a feeling, though, that using stuff, like Paint and sending charts to T2W is going to be a pain.

I came to Windows 10 with a new computer. Previously, I was with Linnux. Am beginning to think of going back to it..

Any comments welcome.
My problem with Windows 10 is that it is too slow downloading any documents that I want. Getting into sites and navigating dealers, etc. do not give problems with speed. etc. I have a feeling, though, that using stuff, like Paint and sending charts to T2W is going to be a pain.

I came to Windows 10 with a new computer. Previously, I was with Linnux. Am beginning to think of going back to it..

Any comments welcome.

How are you getting on with the avatar ? Or is it just window dressing ?
Originally Posted by Jack o'Clubs View Post

No, you're way too tedious, you just happened to be infecting this thread with your nonsense.

Strange why he doesn't seem to care or perhaps know to whom and why he is so offensive. Impervious to comment it seems.
"Even Microsoft admits that Windows 10 was put together in a hurry".

10 things wrong with Windows 10
Dragging items onto the Start button does nothing.
Can’t enlarge the Start menu with your finger
Guest account doesn’t work.
Assigned access doesn’t work.
“Create password reset disk” option doesn’t open.
The “Restore previous versions” dialog box doesn’t open directly.
The “Cascade,” “Stack,” and “Side-by-side” commands are deranged.
The “live tile” for Mail doesn’t work.
The 512-item Start menu limit
Can’t select a star rating

I will be getting the new iPhone 6S on the 25th. :clap:
"Even Microsoft admits that Windows 10 was put together in a hurry".

10 things wrong with Windows 10
Dragging items onto the Start button does nothing.
Can’t enlarge the Start menu with your finger
Guest account doesn’t work.
Assigned access doesn’t work.
“Create password reset disk” option doesn’t open.
The “Restore previous versions” dialog box doesn’t open directly.
The “Cascade,” “Stack,” and “Side-by-side” commands are deranged.
The “live tile” for Mail doesn’t work.
The 512-item Start menu limit
Can’t select a star rating

I will be getting the new iPhone 6S on the 25th. :clap:


Since you don't use windows, you couldn't possibly have experienced any of this yourself, so... you left out a lot from the blog you copied/pasted from.

Included in the blog are workarounds to some of the problems and this line:

"Microsoft intends to fix bugs and add features continuously via quiet, automatic software releases. In fact, the company has already released several Windows 10 updates"

I can attest, as a windows 10 user that some of the issues have already been addressed even before the final release (ie: the mail tile works fine).

I have found Windows 10 to be very good, it is faster than 8.1 and if you know what you are doing is completely configurable which is something Macs are definitely not. I say this as a user of both pc and Macs as I have a Macbook Air which is good for somethings but not for others.

If you want an out of the box machine then Mac is easier but if you have particular needs then I have found it is just much easier to set up a Windows pc to do what you want.

Since you don't use windows, you couldn't possibly have experienced any of this yourself, so... you left out a lot from the blog you copied/pasted from.

I never said that I do not use Windows. I use it only when absolutely necessary. You must be taking fallacy lessons along with @Pat494 and @Atilla.

Copying and pasting is not a bad thing. I had issues and wanted to see the issues that other people were talking about. I think it is funny that you mention that I left a lot out from the blog. Indeed, I did leave many bugs that were mentioned in the blog out as I thought they were not as important as the ones I listed. There were more bugs to list than I though was necessary to list here. That should give more credence to how bad the product is.

Included in the blog are workarounds to some of the problems and this line:

Workarounds are just that "workarounds". I should not have to use a product that requires so many of them.

"Microsoft intends to fix bugs and add features continuously via quiet, automatic software releases. In fact, the company has already released several Windows 10 updates"

Intends to is the key word here. These bugs are so blatant that they should have pushed back the release date. The statement that they intended to fix the bugs with "quiet, automatic updates" means they had foreknowledge of the problem and released it anyway. Microsoft had so many commercials pushing this. I would have expected them to have done a much better job. They obviously were in a scramble to keep up with Apple.

AAPL does not release a product until it is ready. In fact, Apple has pushed back releases for their products before when the products had bugs. Additionally, they usually find the bugs before customers do, and preempt an update before they get out of hand.

What MSFT has done is close the barn door after the horses have left.

I can attest, as a windows 10 user that some of the issues have already been addressed even before the final release (ie: the mail tile works fine).
