window clone pop-ups.


Established member
Anyone seen this before.

I had it other day and was tricked by it.

Basically a popup occured in front of my current window. The popup was identical to the window I was using, except if you click on it, it infects your machine with virus and tries to install dialler software.
If you have decent anti-virus software then this trick doesn't work...

My antivirus software did pick up on this and I solved it pretty quick. The virus wasn't particularly harmful.

As for decent anti-virus software - there is no one single anti-virus package that will protect you system 100% of the time. In fact there are a few security holes in some of the major anti-virus packages that are really quite scary.
Do you know where you caught it though? Is it through Messenger?

I previously posted about SpoofStick which reads the URL and tells you which site you're on. Some URLs are so long you don't see the end of them and you can be tricked into going to a fake site. 😉
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