Will the Tobin Tax Kill Retail Forex Trading ?


Obama is a very good practitioner of Nuero Linguistic Programming. He hypnotised audiences with his carefully programmed rhetoric, gestures and mannerisms.

Please try to avoid slang terminology when discussing important matters. The technical term for this is "total, unadulterated bull$hit". It is incredibly effective on a wide variety of people - morons, idiots, numpties, halfwits, and a$$holes. Limited testing also shows it to be effective on drunks and inhabitants of the laughing academy.

When will people learn? Every time a new political messiah turns up, you are 100% guaranteed to get violently a$$-railed. No lube, no exceptions. Look how people fell for the Blair Cretin - seldom has a person been so obviously (and demonstrably, for the wilfully blind) devoid of principle, knowledge, understanding, interest, skill, talent and use.

He got elected three times.

Or look at Brown. How many of today's wiseacres had the sense or the b4lls to point out when it mattered that he was one of the worst Chancellors in history? Almost without exception, everyone pointed to his prudence, his careful handling of the economy and all the other absurd fantasies. I have been ridiculed on more than occasion (by life-long Tory voters, God help them) for pointing out the blindingly obvious - that Brown's "stewardship" of the economy has to end in disaster.

Now, even his best friend would hardly put his erstwhile titan-status down to his charisma and bewitching rhetoric. The man perpetually looks like he's just cr4apped a thistle.

It really has little to do with any hypnotic skill that a particular politician may possess. In very large part it can be explained by the fact that most people are complete a$$holes who are in no way fitted to participate in the democratic process. People will beleive anything you tell them if they want to. Throw in a promise to bribe them with someone else's money (or even their own these days) and you can start measuring up the curtains for SW1A 2AA or Pennsylvania Avenue.
well if there's a pdf on the web saying this, then it must be true..

Eh? Never stated that did I. NLP exists, endex. In relation to BO you could put forward an argument that it's simply a coincidence and that he's just a very good orator, but I have to tell you that would be bollex. 🙂
No conspiracy just fact, most accomplished presenters will use some or all of the techniques to various levels of competence...
Now then, let's get back on thread, Tobin tax...
Please try to avoid slang terminology when discussing important matters. The technical term for this is "total, unadulterated bull$hit". It is incredibly effective on a wide variety of people - morons, idiots, numpties, halfwits, and a$$holes. Limited testing also shows it to be effective on drunks and inhabitants of the laughing academy.

When will people learn? Every time a new political messiah turns up, you are 100% guaranteed to get violently a$$-railed. No lube, no exceptions. Look how people fell for the Blair Cretin - seldom has a person been so obviously (and demonstrably, for the wilfully blind) devoid of principle, knowledge, understanding, interest, skill, talent and use.

He got elected three times.

Or look at Brown. How many of today's wiseacres had the sense or the b4lls to point out when it mattered that he was one of the worst Chancellors in history? Almost without exception, everyone pointed to his prudence, his careful handling of the economy and all the other absurd fantasies. I have been ridiculed on more than occasion (by life-long Tory voters, God help them) for pointing out the blindingly obvious - that Brown's "stewardship" of the economy has to end in disaster.

Now, even his best friend would hardly put his erstwhile titan-status down to his charisma and bewitching rhetoric. The man perpetually looks like he's just cr4apped a thistle.

It really has little to do with any hypnotic skill that a particular politician may possess. In very large part it can be explained by the fact that most people are complete a$$holes who are in no way fitted to participate in the democratic process. People will beleive anything you tell them if they want to. Throw in a promise to bribe them with someone else's money (or even their own these days) and you can start measuring up the curtains for SW1A 2AA or Pennsylvania Avenue.

That is such a good post I even squeezed my Dougal toy (a present very many years ago from a fellow Magic Roundabout fan). Normally only squeezed on winning trades 😆
There may be alot of will in theory.

But the tax just doesnt work in practice as far i can see.

That has never stopped them in the past.

Its a tax that will raise much less revenue as soon its implemented fewer people will pay it. No day trader will pay it for a start, as no one will want to day trade anymore at those tax rates.

There will always be some country somewhere that will be willing to host tobin tax free FX trading.

FX CFDs and Spread Bets will probably be exempt just like they are exempt from uk share stamp duty.

If so, could be a boost for spread-betting then...except that if the underlying markets are severely affected, then SB may also take a dive anyway.
You and millions of others buddy, notice how race was not an issue until after he was elected? The black man (or woman) has no excuse to riot now in the US ("heh, the top man is black, no racsim here") which was on the cards, particularly if the emergency welfare bills hadn't been rushed through....

Obama was permitted to run for the election uncontested after his meeting in Colorado with the elite global decision makers, shortly after that meeting Clinton withdrew her nomination and if you recall the Republicans put up a pittance for Mc Cain who actually (with hindsight) did remarkably well considering his lack of support.

Obama is a very good practitioner of Nuero Linguistic Programming. He hypnotised audiences with his carefully programmed rhetoric, gestures and mannerisms. There were plenty of us who spotted it during his later televised broadcasts, some of the techniques were classic. No politician (in living memory) has ever been this good or blatently used such technique.

There is reams of how he did it on the web if you've got an hour to kill. He dropped this method at his inagrual speech, many NLP practitioners noted this huge drop in enthusiasm and lack of technique. He has not (noticably) used any techniques since.

An Examination of Obama’s Use of Hidden Hypnosis Techniques in His Speeches


Help! Let's hope Derren Brown doesn't run for office!

Seriously though, I think this could all be a bit exaggerated. I've studied NLP myself to some extent, and I don't think it's any more a holy grail is than, well, TA ... 🙂
"If so, could be a boost for spread-betting then...except that if the underlying markets are severely affected, then SB may also take a dive anyway. "

Exactly, as they also hedge larger positions in the real market.
Don't worry, everyonerich, you should still be ok at 1p per point; you'll just lose more quickly.
.......... Normally only squeezed on winning trades 😆 ...............


i almost said " ah, it's still in pristine condition then" but because i know you're such a sensitive soul :cheesy: i'll stick with "surprised it's not worn out years ago"



i almost said " ah, it's still in pristine condition then" but because i know you're such a sensitive soul :cheesy: i'll stick with "surprised it's not worn out years ago"



I knew someone would say something like "it still works because it's never been used" :clap:.........but your comment is much better 😆
Give the guy a chance he took over from a position with the economy up the creek and American popularity at it's lowest worldwide.
It takes more than a year to turn things rouns especially in a country where the leader has a lot less power than most think.
I see your point, but I do realise that he couldn't have turned things around in the time he has had, no one on the planet could have turned things around for the US!

I believe that government should frame policy on 'the best course of action', and then persuade the electorate that it is the right thing to do. That is the way all truly great politicians have operated in my humble opinion. A politician SHOULD act based on the truth, NOT what is politically advantageous. This latest action of Obama's is an example of doing what is politically advantageous rather than what needs to be done, and a Tobin Tax would also be an example of it should that arise.
An interesting comment by Bulgaria’s new EU Commissioner-Designate, Kristalina Georgieva

In 1978, James Tobin, a Nobel Prize-winning economist, first proposed the idea of a tax on foreign exchange transactions that would be applied uniformly by all major countries. A tiny amount (less than 0.5%) would be levied on all foreign currency exchange transactions to deter speculation on currency fluctuations.

Today approximately USD 1 T worth of currency is traded every day in unregulated financial markets. Only 5% of this activity is related to trade and other real economic transactions. The other 95% is simply speculative activity. This kind of financial speculation plays havoc with national budgets, economic planning and allocation of resources which eventually damages the poorest countries in the world more than the rest.

If the tax was bought in it would reduce the volatility of exchange rates, reduce the power that financial markets have over national governments to determine fiscal and monetary policies. It would also yield a minimum of USD 150 B annually in receipts to support sustainable human development worldwide.
Since such a tax would kill most of the market there would be little if any tax income.
Better to tax income/profits than to kill the golden goose.
Preserve us from economists trying to engineer society.
A central command economy for the whole world ? !
Thought they all were put out to grass when the Soviet Union collapsed.

I see some world leaders are already recognising the foolishness of Obama and his latest populist mid-term vote winning ploy.

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Well i think that for small speculators it should be tax Free.....It really needs to be applied to magnitude of transactions - short term that can play havoc with Economy....!
.....Didn't know you were appointed as a junior constable on this site...!...Is pay good...?
he's in good company on 'ere then isn't he? Rumour has it there's only half a dozen of us that do....😀

Shoot I suppose you're right Black Swan .... Fack all traders they make too much money ..... tax the fack out of them ..... I don't care caws I don't trade I'm just a long term investor
he's in good company on 'ere then isn't he? Rumour has it there's only half a dozen of us that do....😀

But then rumour has it that 97¾% of statistics are made up on the spot, and the other 2¼ are lies.

OK then, a confession: I don't trade. I only spread-bet. That isn't trading according to some old lags here.