Will an overnight order get fulfilled?


I am wondering the likelihood of an order being fulfilled outside of market opening times.
For example, a FTSE company closes a day at a price of 10.00. The next morning they announce good news at 7am. When the market opens at 8.am, the price is already up to 11.00
If I were to put a buy order at 7.30am to buy if the price gets to 10.10, what is the likelihood that this will get fulfilled as the price has jumped up so quickly 'over night'?
Is it a case of crazy volatility at 8am and if you get it you get it, if you miss it you miss it? Or are all the orders queued? Or does it depend on the size of your order?

Would the likelihood differ between share trading and spread betting?

Could anyone explain this in more deatail for me?
In SB, at least with my provider, they would attempt to execute my "buy stop" order at the nearest quoted price to my order price, as soon as their market in FTSE companies re-opens - I think its 0802.

In this example I would probably be in long at 11.00, always allowing a little movement either way for delays as the firm deals with the overnight backlog of orders and for their slightly delayed morning open of their own market.

So in some ways this is good, in others bad. But what you can't so easily account for is the spread, which is likely to be wider around the open and even just if the particular firm's share price has become suddenly volatile: this is unpredictable and is not shown on charts.