Order Book Trick ?

not bright

Hi everyone i am new to the forum and this is my first post.
I am a beginner and trying to get my head around what is going on in the order book.
I have an acount with IG Markets and i am using l2 dealer to view the order book.
What i have noticed is that buys and sells seem to adjust AWAY from the market price as if by magic for Example
Say the market price to buy is 163.15
and a buyer is looking to buy 1000 shares at 163.05
So the market price drops to 163.10 and then the buyers price moves to 163.00
It is as if they somehow make sure that their order will automatically stay a certain distance from the market price ensuring that it will never be fulfilled
Can anyone explain how this is done.
Many thanks
Not Bright
Do you watch time & sales too?

There is no 'market price' in the way you mention. The market price is whichever bid/offer got hit last. It's hard to know what you are seeing without seeing the trades & the L2.

Still - if you consistently see large size (and large is a relative term) 2 or 3 levels out and they keep pulling the orders, what you are seeing is order book spoofing. Someone trying to make the book look strong to attract buyers, usually so they can sell to these buyers. This is a guess though based on the limited info in your post.