Why trade?

Yes City Trader (and mma) there is censorship on these boards, thank goodness.

The last thing we all (hope I'm not speaking out of turn) want to see is slanging matches - not a lot to do with trading is it?
Look here you . you are the one trying to show what a big swinging dick you are with your 100k+ account . so in most people's book , you need to back up your claims with some proof , otherwise it's just hogwash .

same thing with starting a thread , if and when I want to reveal my figures I sure will have the goolies to do it .

* The last thing we all (hope I'm not speaking out of turn) want to see is slanging matches - not a lot to do with trading is it? *

Actually it is . it's called proving your claims about how good a trader you are . nothing wrong with that , been done on the board many times .
MMA for some unknown reason you seem to seek to provoke, not for the sake of discussion, but for some other reason. Is it because I worked as a bank trader? or because you never have? whatever - the underlying reason is irrelevant, but either way, before your goading, I had never made any claims to be a "big swinging dick" and further goading just ain't gonna work pal. And you can promise all you like to show your "goolies" but until you do, well I guess it's just "hogwash".

I would like to think that I have generally helped people on here, I have been constructive, argumentative for the sake of discussion, but NEVER dismisve nor vindictive. I really can't see the point of continuing to use this board, with people who have this attitude out there... enjoy yourself mma.. I'm sure you'll get the last word in -
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Please, please, don't seek any confrontation on these boards. We're all here to trade, and compete against the markets not ourselves.

I neither care, nor want to care, about who is a better trader than who - it's irrelevant. As long as we win, that's all that matters.

In this matter, size is not important. :cheesy:
Stevet, in answer to your question ...........its the usual requotes , the cessation of giving instants and the ''if you don't like it perhaps you should close your account''.
Mma, you are perhaps not as successful at this game as others are.Traders who play with 100k capital do not need prove themselves. Success means you play with bigger sums.Is that really so hard to grasp??
As for proof that you so desire, I started a trading journal here a while ago which was hugely successful.What have you done? Presumably b*gger all to show your methodology in trading.
Pity that you feel the need to mock others, cos it sounds like you are in need of trading help.
I think it's time to call a stop to this " prove it" stuff. It does no one any favours and just seems to provoke tittle tattle......
1) I DID NOT ask him for proof

He claimed he traded with 100+k capital , I merely asked him how much and he unjustifiablely refused to answer ? like they say silence = an admission to guilt .

what is wrong with asking ? does he have special protection ? is he a sponsor ?

2) I HAVE worked in a bank before that's why I know they are rubbish traders. And that's why I will never work for one again , and I have been a PROP trader ( do you know what this is ?) for a non bank .

3)As for goolies- you deliberately miss the point . I did NOT make any claims about my trading record . YOU DID but without even answering as to (1) .

so until I make such claim , you will just have to sit and bite your nails. Sorry life's a *****

4) I am fully confident in my own personal record . I could not have been a Prop trader, who traded a 1000k account in the 1st place without an excellent winning record. A trade journal means nothing , only shows what trades you select , says nought about losing trades , return to capital etc.

5) ROI's do matter to a large degree , if X had 100k capital and year end made only 20k , then his ROI is only 20% .

If Y with 10k start up makes 25k profit in same time . clearly he has better potential than X . simple but ignored by losers .

This is my final word on this . ta ta ...
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-usual requotes , the cessation of giving instants and the ''if you don't like it perhaps you should close your account''.-


thx for having a go at explaining it - but still cant get my head round it in relation to trading - but it does sound a bit like things that might happen in spreadbetting - and would not happen in any other form of trading - do you speadbet?
anyone who makes a consistent profit over a period greater than a year, and that profit is at least in 6 figures, is doing well regardless of amount they use to trade from

arbing can chew up a lot of margin, the returns are low on a percentage basis - but its money in the bank from the second you initiate the trade

a prop guy makes 100% profit since he is not risking his own money

and because of leverage, different forms of trading are going to give different levels of return, even in trading the ES, different brokers require different margin cover, and by significant amounts

so to compare tradng profit based on some sort of return maybe valid, but you would have to compare like for like and that would be pretty complex - and lets face it - making a profit with a methodolgy that works consistently is the key - some methodologies might return more - but trading profitably is the thing that 99.99% of those trading will never ever reach - so screw the proft percentage - just luxuriate in the profit

and dont worry if you cant make a profit - just make money by writing trading books or becoming a trainer!
mma said:
1) I DID NOT ask him for proof

He claimed he traded with 100+k capital , I merely asked him how much and he unjustifiablely refused to answer ? like they say silence = an admission to guilt .

not necessarily.....

i have a saying "money loves anonymity" 😉

CityTrader, the Car Key Boi salutes YUO!
Why Trade?
Great way of finding out who you really are. All results are yours and nobody elses. In otherwords, you have to take full responsibilty for all your actions. There is no blaming colleagues, the company, society etc. Great revealer of character. Some thrive on it others need the comfort/security of a corporate existence.
Rather like the first conquerer of Mt Everest when asked why he climbed the mountain, he replied because it was there. So why trade markets? Because they exist.
why trade ?
simple realy because i enjoy trading, if i didnt i would not do it, regaurdless of the money
Why Trade?
Challenge. Prove to myself I'm able to do it successfully. Money isn't that important.
Why trade?

lads it is my 1st time on this thread and I was amazed at some of the posts.... Ppl's lifestyles, resources, time available for work and play, desires and appetites differ enormously, so u can't really compare can u? Someone trading 8 hrs a day who has a huge family he's got to support cannot really be compared to a carefree shaggy trading for 1 hour and surfing for the rest of the day, neither in ROI nor in bling-bling terms! The main thing we all are happy trading and squeeze what we need and want from these mrkts, innit? 🙂

As an example, my present g/f's father (who owns a few fishing boats in Mexico) tells me - "why do u need to trade from start to close, 6.5 hours, when u don't even need to go fishing after 1 hour of trading?". By the flipside, my highly educated ex-g/f, who graduated from Milan Fashion School, used to tell me - "u may trade 24-7, I'll be making that dosh in less than a minute, when my fashion collection starts selling....." how can u compare??????

As Argies say, "volare, volare....." and that's btw why I trade - coz I luv it and I get all I need and want from it..... I am not Britney Spears to dream of top spots in any comparison charts.
Why trade?

I'm 29, when I was 17 and looking at what I wanted to do with my life, I loved the image of success, the yuppies, these big money city boys and all I ever wanted, at that point, was to have some of that.

However, coming from a small village in Scotland, the possibility of getting to London was nigh on immpossible, so left school then flunked out of Uni and set up a software business, cause I had a knack for that sort of thing.

So now, I find myself in a position where I want to be into trading...but with a major difference - it's not about the money or the image or any of that sh*t...it's about having lived the last 10 years of my life, working for myself, for others and realising that there must be more to life. Trading ultimately fills that want for me, I trade between my office and home, have some time to spend with my family, make some money along the way but most of all THRIVE on the excitment and pressure that only the markets can bring, knowing that it's my own judgement that I'm testing - and when you get it right, it's the biggest rush in the world.

So, why trade? Simple, it's f**king great fun.