Why so few women here ?


Legendary member
Why are there so few women trading and on these boards ?
1. Is it because they can't cope with losses or perhaps profits ?
2. Can't stand the banter ? They need not disclose they are female.
3. Find the humour disgusting or anti feminism ?
4. Too sensible to crouch over the monitor all day ?
5. Can't understand it ?

Or what

Love to hear from you ladies.
There are so few women coming onto the site because there are so few women on the site.
They've got more sense than to spend hours scratching around trying to make a few bob and fist pump the odd winner - it's a macho thing doncha know :)
Because they spend all their disposable cash on shoes, silly.

My best guess would be that women just do not have the appetite for risk that men do. In anything.
Thank testosterone, genetics and male culture for that.

I see this even in my four and two year old niece and nephew; She wants to hold my hand, he wants to kick me. She asks me 'will I get hurt', he just does it.
Woman meets a trader and offers trading signals, she shows him her account balance.Trader says I will give you £500 for live signals and woman offers £5 for his signal.

Woman gives signal and receives £500 , traders gives signal back nd receives £5 .

She shows him her bank balance is up by 495 .
Woman meets a trader and offers trading signals, she shows him her account balance.Trader says I will give you £500 for live signals and woman offers £5 for his signal.

Woman gives signal and receives £500 , traders gives signal back nd receives £5 .

She shows him her bank balance is up by 495 .


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Too many bricklayers , who think trading is like laying hard bricks , women can't control market testetorones , they like control.


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Why are there so few women trading and on these boards ?
1. Is it because they can't cope with losses or perhaps profits ?
2. Can't stand the banter ? They need not disclose they are female.
3. Find the humour disgusting or anti feminism ?
4. Too sensible to crouch over the monitor all day ?
5. Can't understand it ?

Or what

Love to hear from you ladies.

there are plenty of great femail traders .............the ones i have worked with p*ss all over us for ability and temprament ............

they are mainly absent as they dont need all the 99% bullsh*t threads on sites like this
