Why is this forum so dead?

Not all traders are looking for a live trading chatroom where they can share their trades. If i feel like sharing a trade i will. No probs..

its been two yrs not holding my breath🙄
its been two yrs not holding my breath🙄

How long it's been since i registered is beside the point here.

As i said in the above post, and what is common sense to most people on here:

Not ALL traders are looking for a live trading chatroom where they can share their trades.

If you had more common sense maybe you would understand that.

I thought you were DONE anyway, you keep whining and saying you're DONE but then come back to whine more
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How long it's been since i registered is beside the point here.

As i said in the above post, and what is common sense to most people on here:

Not all traders are looking for a live trading chatroom where they can share their trades.

If you had more common sense maybe you would understand that.

I thought you were DONE anyway, you keep whining and saying you're DONE but then come back to whine more

wow there isn't a thread you don't open, with the exception of the ..."my trades"... thread of course 🙄
wow there isn't a thread you don't open, with the exception of the ..."my trades"... thread of course 🙄

And your lovely "demo trades" thread gives you so much credibility.. NOT 🙂
i must admit there is NOBODY trading here, ie placing THEIR trades

i'm pretty close to bagging it myself

I don't post much, but failure to deal with multi account trolls is a big problem here. The whole Fxmo debacle was ridiculous, considering he got banned very early on and then was able to con his way back in. Its impossible to take anyone seriously here.
2+ yrs and not ONE trade guess your here for the memes 🙄

I might be, that would be up to me. I'm definitely not here to be told what to do by a demo trading simpleton. If I want to post trades I will, its nothing to do with you.

Your demo trade posts somehow validate your membership do they? don't make me laugh you are talking to yourself in the vast majority of them 😢
No need to be bored.
Just start a thread that interests you and hope others join in.
I have started loads of threads including beautiful women etc.
such a shame that all people can do on trading forums is snipe at each other. We are here to learn,to share the good and the bad. I have been trading options since '99 and make money- I have a website but I am not allowed to post anything here,and I do NOT wish to cause any harm to this site which is a much valued resource.I'm always happy to discuss options trading however if anyone wants to message me
And what a shame you are not allowed to mention your own website in every post :whistling
Traders mostly lose money so instead of supporting each other they treat each other like crap. Never met more cynical people than failed traders.
Traders mostly lose money so instead of supporting each other they treat each other like crap. Never met more cynical people than failed traders.

The successful ones can be pretty cynical as well ......it’s called banter

Look .....the reason trade2win can be a little quiet at times is due to a lack of quality current threads and posts for people to discuss and debate ....and arguably the lack of experienced traders prepared to share ideas and strategies

Let’s face it guys .....some of the stuff here at the moment is a little basic.....lots of generic statements being posted by people who clearly have no experience or idea of how to trade .....but pretending they do .....and then plenty of people reaching out for help......and then just a handful of good traders trying to help when they get the time ......which is a valuable asset to many of us .....so we don’t post as much as we perhaps should .....apologies

My personal opinion (please don’t ban me mods)...is that trade2win historically has banned many traders that were also commercial mentors and vendors .....this is not a crime ......but at trade2win there are clear guidelines on advertising and discussing ones own systems where it is perceived one is advertising

I AM NOT SAYING THIS IS WRONG...that is just trade2wins approach

All is am saying is that the more active forums like forex factory allow commercial traders to post and share with other members and display their websites and training etc etc ....but clearly members are made aware that any comments they are making do have commercial implications ......even if the trader is not actively marketing their products the perception is that commercial members will be seeking to influence members to visit their sites and look at the products and services for sale ...and this is permitted at forex factory

It is not permitted at trade2win .....

I would say that at least 90% of my historic mentors and experienced traders i have ever learnt from had received some form of income from teaching and mentoring .......nothing like the money they were making from trading ....but still charging money to share their valuable resources , experience and time .....because they are experts ....like any profession they deserve recompense for their knowledge

So if this were extrapolated .....perhaps one would see why so few experienced successful traders are posting at trade2win .....it’s like a catch22.....right or wrong....

Again I am not seeking a fight or despute here with the mods ....I hope we have reached a point of mutual respect after some 14 years of me being in the site ...and I am fiercely loyal to trade2win in defending it .....

But it’s just my view ........and I have known a lot of excellent traders here over the years who have left because ultimately this catch22 removes them from the trade2win criteria....

Hey perhaps this is not the reason.......just my view about the missing experienced traders ....

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Traders mostly lose money so instead of supporting each other they treat each other like crap. Never met more cynical people than failed traders.

Agreed. But its not just the losers who are cynical. A conversation I've had with a number of obviously experienced traders (and presumably therefore successful) is why they are using a form in the first place. They don't give out any details of what they're doing or advice on better trading techniques, and they certainly aren't looking for this for their own trading. All their energy goes into calling struggling traders idiots or suggesting brokers and trainers are crooks.

One or two of them have admitted forum visits are just a pastime. A pretty unimaginative pastime if you ask me. Such people are loses in the wider sense of the word.
Hey tom

The forum is many things to many people ......the thing that has changed the most though is the number of experienced traders .......which means the camiradery and therefore banter is very different .......

Going back a few years re the Bantering involving some of the legends here at trade2win just makes me crack a smile even now ......

I still think that the mods should resurrect some of the great threads and works of some of our most respected members ......Jees some of their single posts were worth hundreds of the more recent posts we see these days ......

Again just my humble view.....one can say this kind of thing about anything if you are older and arguably cynical about life ....hahahaah

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Just this morning I was going through quite a volume of old posts trying to find some interesting content from years ago when there was indeed quality posting on the boards. Seems a long time ago when you go through forum posts and see that you were posting on this site 14 years ago.
I think both Elitetrader and this board is dying. Seems most guys are using algo's these day and average retail or day trader is gone. I remember in the old days i would lurk this board and actively post on Elite trader - mostly too past time, was fun, no its just seems like a ghost town.
Start a new thread going fellas, show us how it was done in the good ol' days!
Start a new thread going fellas, show us how it was done in the good ol' days!

You need decent participation from some of the pro's to get a ready quality thread. Problem is that most guys are just too cynical and not willing to help anymore. Daytrading felt more like a community in the past - maybe I am just turning into one of those 'in my day' guys.😀