Why good traders drop out?

ivorm said:
She always was on the dark side of the looking glass. Funny thing is, I was thinking about her the other day too. She made many useful contributions on these boards - it's a shame she doesn't post here any more.
100% agree. Skim's support and help both publicly and privately was pivotal in my transformation to profitability as a trader. There were a few others (just a few) as well who would be mortified to be publicly identified, but Skim was one of the top bods in my opinion. Even if it did go a bit pear toward the end.

The interesting thing is that it was the simplest of pointers from her that turned out to be the most important - like doing the opposite of what the majority do when trading channels and switching from clutter-plus charts to the pristine purity of charta rasa.
I also think that Skim was one of the best contributors on the board and one of the few truly professional day-traders with insights into trading that have yet to be matched (in my view). I wish her well wherever she may be.
