Why do you use indicators that change values when period change?

these two statements are different by the way, so what exactly are you saying yes to?

What is different? If time frame is a reason you entered the trade, and the reason you entered has no effect on the outcome then by LOGICAL DEDUCTION, time frame has no effect on the outcome.


I don't understand your YES question.
No problem with me if you dont use charts and yes you can scalp/trade without charts , thats irrelevant to me , and yes if i day trade i have in place the major S and R areas but still the trading is based on short time frame charts .

So long as you realize different time frames are like a zoom lens...you are still looking at the same data, just different data compression.
I'm not debating the reason behind a trade..the reason behind my hypothetical example was that price had broken through and closed higher than resistance..I know that has no bearing.
But the timeframe will, does he mention that, or do you need to misinterpret someone else?


I challenge you to prove that!

Provide a Mark Douglas quote to prove it.
of course it does, to you perhaps not, but to assume it doesn't based on your own observations is pretty naive


Above you claimed time frame has an effect on the outcome.

Perhaps you forgot what you posted because you decide to launch a personal attack rather than debate the point.

Not to mention, traders do make assumptions, ALL THE TIME, based on their observations. Are you implying all traders are naive? Are you implying traders should not make assumptions based on what they observe? Is there a higher power that traders should obey and follow?
What is different? If time frame is a reason you entered the trade, and the reason you entered has no effect on the outcome then by LOGICAL DEDUCTION, time frame has no effect on the outcome.


I don't understand your YES question.

i can see you are now being deliberately obtuse
rather than just admit you're statement is complete sh1te 😴👎
bad form old boy
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Above you claimed time frame has an effect on the outcome.

Perhaps you forgot what you posted because you decide to launch a personal attack rather than debate the point.

Not to mention, traders do make assumptions, ALL THE TIME, based on their observations. Are you implying all traders are naive? Are you implying traders should not make assumptions based on what they observe? Is there a higher power that traders should obey and follow?

sure its a personal attack on a complete waste of space
I know what i posted, that the timeframe will affect the outcome of a trade. I gave you a logical hypothetical but nonetheless real example
If I exited a trade using a 5 minute vs a weekly timeframe the outcome will be extremely different
if you cant see this, lift that cap of yours and take your head which is clearly shoved so far up your own ass..
hows that for personal?

you have absolutely no idea what you are talking about, and its the guys who will probably look at your misinformed ideals such as these idiotic statements rather than focus on what they can actually do something about to help them on a long journey without the likes of you around..

"I am not forcing you to accept my concepts. I only request the traders to review the market from time to time keeping in mind my concepts and if found suitable use in the trades or just ignore. Thanks for your opinion."
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In my email today:

5 Regrets You Don’t Want to Have at the End the Day

"Wasting too much time wanting everyone to like you. – Don’t take things too personally, even if it seems personal. Rarely do people do things because of you; they do things because of them. You honestly can’t change how people treat you or what they say about you. All you can do is change how you react and who you choose to be around."

5 Regrets You Don’t Want to Have at the End the Day

"Wasting too much time wanting everyone to like you. – Don’t take things too personally, even if it seems personal. Rarely do people do things because of you; they do things because of them. You honestly can’t change how people treat you or what they say about you. All you can do is change how you react and who you choose to be around."

You're a sweetheart really aren't you 😍
Trust me, wanting people to like me isn't on my agenda if you haven't guessed already :innocent:
Back to the topic:

Why do you use indicators that change values when period change?

In what other field does the exact same data produce different results when the time period changes?
Back to the topic:

Why do you use indicators that change values when period change?

In what other field does the exact same data produce different results when the time period changes?

I explained the reason I code indicators is because if I can code them, then I understand the method/system being presented. It is how I learn. If I can't code then I don't understand.
This is why you use indicators that change values when periods change..isn't that enough?😴
next you'll be saying timeframes are unimportant even though you use them yourself, and saying things like "trends don't exist"
In what other field does the exact same data produce different results when the time period changes?

chemistry😛 I'd say there's loads, but this should suffice. Go on, quote me Mark Douglas now
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Can you provide a specific example?

I can, its radionuclides..really incredible stuff. Similar properties to isotopes, their use is becoming more and more common. A branch of nuclear medicine.
Specifically, the product undergoes nuclear decay, known as a half life. At its peak, straight after its "manufacture" its an incredibly potent medicine, however, due to the nuclear decay, at specific intervals its potency diminishes. Its still a nucleaus, but due to its half life after just a few hours, depending on the strength of the compound, its exactly the same product, exactly the same ingredients but now you have something that is useless due to its decay.
So same data, same materials, some consitency all the way through its life yet at certain intervals its medical affect is reduced. Its not a constant reduction either.
Like I say, really incredible stuff.

There's another example..boiling an egg. But I prefer radionuclides
Not the same data, it has decayed and the potency has changed!! Your analogy is not a good one.

But that's really getting OFF TOPIC.

Anyone else care to chime in?
Not the same data, it has decayed and the potency has changed!! Your analogy is not a good one.

But that's really getting OFF TOPIC.

Anyone else care to chime in?

decayed as a result of time, still exactly the same data. Its the chemical reaction within the nucleus that changes with time. Potency decreases simply because of the half life of the nuclear material, because of time.
You are being obtuse again
If you are unable to grasp this, then this my friend is your loss. I have this from a professor at Imperial college london. Best debate him..Raph Dean, worked with the inventor of penicilin whilst he was still alive and a faculty member of Imperial
I know who I'm going to believe (just google half life..measured by time..time is our determining factor)
Your two questions have been answered. Unless anyone else care to argue my point, I'm done and will end courteously with Q.E.D :whistling
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sorry ..........am I buying drugs or currencies now here ?