If there's one thing I have learnt related to trading is to have confidence and unshakeable belief in my convictions. After I used to be swayed away by opinions of 'more experienced' traders, I realized that each one is different and we have to have our own mindset, beliefs, methods, patterns whatever, those that suit our personality. Then stick with it with statistical analysis to see if they are working out or not. Usually like they say the proof is in the pudding and a well kept journal along with statistical log of actual trades versus those that have been back tested will tell us more about us than anyone else on this fourms. Once you have something that works for you then that becomes your goldmine.
I did study a few books on market psychology and self disciplines. AlsoI studied a few books on peak performance and adapted beliefs of successful athletes and traders. AT the end of the day just like sports or success in any other venture, this is a mental game where one valid, back tested pattern is enough to make a living. It's 80% psychological and about 20% mechanical. Let's keep working on our mindsets and we can keep on reaping the reward.
I can certainly relate to being influenced by others views and opinions! Making us second guess ourselves.
A tricky situation to find a balance in, as discussion can also be a positive thing.
Mindset and focus on my trading edge were the keys to unlocking my trading future 🙂