Thought banks were making money by taking tax payer's money which the government gave them? Governments generally make money by invading other countries, dropping bombs on them and taking their natural resources.
Back to the topic: sounds like this bitch is asking too many questions, you need to keep her mouth full.[/QUOTE]
Ban morons: THE_MANAGER, Pazienza and Chartsy
Ban morons: THE_MANAGER, Pazienza and Masquerde
sorry chartsy, didnt realise you were quoting
Ban morons: THE_MANAGER, Pazienza and Masquerde
There's more chance I get banned than you make money in the markets 😆
& the chances of me getting banned are slim to none.
The girl I'm seeing at the moment asked the question over a bottle of wine :
"Where's the enjoyment of watching a green and a red candle go up and down on a screen?"
I really struggled to give an answer to make her see where I was coming from. Same with others I've had this dicussion with. They just don't seem to *get* it.
Discuss ...
Never attempt to talk about trading to anyone who you know will not get it. It is a lost cause with some people.
This is why I mostly post only lulz in this forum.
Growing habit on trade2win, i blame arabian for it 😆 he has corrupted the board.