I don't believe that thought comes into the equation anymore than in any other, rather monotonous, occupation. Most everyday activities are accompished with the minimum of thought. In fact, once it becomes routine it becomes automatic. The once a week, or month, traders may give their trading some thought, but day trading, or swingtrading certain shares, is reaction. Once the plan is seen to have an acceptable ratio of winners to losers, thinking about it becomes dangerous. Thinking means tinkering to improve the plan.
This leads me to doubt the veracity of those, so-called, intellectuals who are, always, asking questions about our abilities. Those who need help, beware! Those "teachers" who do not address the poster's problems with a direct suggestion are, probably, using the thread to bolster their own egos. They'll keep waffling away for pages and pages and, in the end, the poster's question remains unanswered- which was what was intended, anyway.
I've just had a lousy month by switching my normal, profitable, swing trading procedure to daytrading an index. Whow !!!!! I started to think! :idea: The results have been, truly, incredible 🙁 I have decideded stop that habit, immediately.