Why $1300 for a book?


Active member
I just noticed a book by Tony Crabel for $1300.
I'm sure this guy knows what he's talking about. And he probably has impressive techinques to show. BUT seriously $1300. Is that kinda ripping people off a bit.
I've been in the publishing game and I know that to produce such a book cost usually between $0.50 and $2.00 depending on certain things.

Why is it whenever you have a book/DVD/CD that is concerned with making money the price is always over inflated?
I've got about 30 DVD's on chess, each costing between £20 and £35. Thes are higher in price than a normal DVD's (like films, TV) because they are specialized and the author is giving his experience and knowledge. I accept that the price should be more.

I also accept that the price should be more for books/DVD's demonstrating trading info. BUT $1300. Would anyone pay this?

Isn't the market wide open for a knowledgeable person to produce a series of books/DVD's that is actually costed at a reasonable price?
So don't buy it!!

Anyway, anyone stupid enough to pay $1300 for a trading book would probably only give the money away trading anyway. This way at least they've got a book to show for it.
If it's got 'Day Trading" and "Short Term" and "Breakouts" and "Price Patterns" and "Opening Range" anywhere in the title, buy the book and you'll find out.

Alternatively, find the (fairly numerous) alternative titles which this volume spawned and you'll not be too much the worse off, but there's nothing like the original. JMO.

As for 'why' it justifies the price, you've answered your own question. I wouldn't pay 1p for a Chess DVD let alone £35 (I'd rather watch the gradual development of a genital rash), but there are those that think it a worthwhile exchange.
I believe the book is out of print, the author had much success in the markets and regretted writing the book as the strategy used was included, I can't seem to find the post on this but I'm certain it's here somewhere. I guess that's why it's a sought after book and goes some way in explaining the high prices asked, perhaps.
If it's got 'Day Trading" and "Short Term" and "Breakouts" and "Price Patterns" and "Opening Range" anywhere in the title, buy the book and you'll find out.

Alternatively, find the (fairly numerous) alternative titles which this volume spawned and you'll not be too much the worse off, but there's nothing like the original. JMO.

As for 'why' it justifies the price, you've answered your own question. I wouldn't pay 1p for a Chess DVD let alone £35 (I'd rather watch the gradual development of a genital rash), but there are those that think it a worthwhile exchange.

Most people wouldn't pay 1p for a book on trading. I was making the point that DVD's/books that pass on knowledge that the reader can't get anywhere else deserve to be higher in price. But my question was more about the costs always being exagerated (excessively) when making money is involved. They are preying on people's dreams.
Values, Values, Values!

I guess it all comes down to values, your own values...

...I guess it also comes down to what you perceive as what's relative.

When ever someone makes a statement (to me) such as:

"...it's expensive!"

My reply (usually) is:

"In relation to what?"

...The Buyer & Seller
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Many things have little or no intrinsic value, it's the added value, use, potential and so on that matters. That perception varies from individual to individual and has many influences, cultural, personal, supply and demand etc.
In the end the value of something is essentially a purely artificial concept.
What really matters is the price someone pays for something and that is its temporary "value".
Having said that (s)he might know the price of everything and the value of nothing .
Last edited by Lightning McQueen; Today at 12:18 PM. Reason: removed spammy fluff of no value within the post 🙂

This edit is recommended by me 🙂

The fluff has already expanded onto other threads and will soon grow exponentially until t2w is totally obscured by a self-replicating mushroom shaped nuclear explosion of cotton wool.
Last edited by Lightning McQueen; Today at 12:18 PM. Reason: removed spammy fluff of no value within the post 🙂

This edit is recommended by me 🙂

The fluff has already expanded onto other threads and will soon grow exponentially until t2w is totally obscured by a self-replicating mushroom shaped nuclear explosion of cotton wool.

yes, I have been on his case, as you mine Richard.

it is all edited/deleted now, hopefully the deluge has now ceased, a very busy day today indeed :-0

where were we, ah yes a very overpriced book 😆
There are links where I could get the book for nothing. That sounds more like my price range. Can someone give me those links?
There are links where I could get the book for nothing. That sounds more like my price range. Can someone give me those links?

no sorry, they are now deleted and gone.

against site policy to post pirate links of hooky software, pdf's etc. anyway it creates bad karma chasing around the net downloading others peoples work for free 😉