who should i SB with?

Naz said:
If you position trade, SB'ing is fine.ie the longer you hold your position and the bigger the move you're looking for the less all the problems with SB'ing matter.

However in my opinion if you want to day trade with them you've got problems.

As i said the longer you hold your position the less problems you have.
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Are you subject to tax when spreadbetting regularly as it is then seen as fulfilling a trader status. My understanding is that this is the case taken by the tax office but as yet they are cautious to go down this path but things can always change especially if you are very successful.
Kevin 456,
Somewhere on the t2win boards is a thread devoted to the subject of whether tax is applicable or not. In my opinion, and it is only an opinion, income tax or CGT is not applicable to spread betting. As it is not my main source of income I have never worried about the trader status issue, and I have no intention of disturbing a can of worms by asking the tax man for his advice.
I have wondered how futures traders doing multiple deals a day cope with the task of producing their trading records and calculations for the CGT element of their tax return!

regards, G McA