Who are the top 100 known traders in the world ?

Alright, who are the top 7 traders in the world ?

They are by popular consensus:~

John Arnold.

Jim Simmons.

Steven Cohen.

T Boone Pickens.

Paul Tudor Jones.

Eddie Lampert.

Stephen Feinberg.

Which of these is the youngest and which is the oldest ?

Next question:~😆

Who are the bottom seven traders in the world ?


Out of interest I was wondering if you also personally know any of these traders? If not, how do you know about them? Is it through your, ummm, you know, that place that you are forbidden to mention or is it from the Internet or Magazine? If so, can you personally recommend a Magazine or Website that are worth subscribing to. The reason I ask is because I couldn’t answer your question unless I did a search on the Internet. However, I’m sure the point of your post wasn’t to find out who has the best ‘google’ skills.

Out of interest I was wondering if you also personally know any of these traders? If not, how do you know about them? Is it through your, ummm, you know, that place that you are forbidden to mention or is it from the Internet or Magazine? If so, can you personally recommend a Magazine or Website that are worth subscribing to. The reason I ask is because I couldn’t answer your question unless I did a search on the Internet. However, I’m sure the point of your post wasn’t to find out who has the best ‘google’ skills.

Thanks Zupcon. Did you know the answer before the question was asked or did you google for it?

I googled for it, but only once you'd asked for the source of the information

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I know 3 Carbonis in the business but they are not related. Michael Oscar Carboni is badge number 7512.... Nice guy.

Telephone number 001 718 351 # # # #😎

Last four digits if you need them by PM.

No idea of his ranking, never asked.
I don't want to, and simply will not get involved with personal issues on this site, but this thread caught me eye as I do know some of the very best traders in the world. As for them being the 'top' I have no idea unless you care to define what 'top' means to you.

However, Oscar Carboni (futureanalysts) has already posted on this thread in an effort to ensure no misidentification or misappropriation of any relationship with Albert Labos (SOCRATES) existed after SOCRATES intimated a relationship with Oscar.

As no response has been received from that member to Oscar’s request I will post part of an email from Oscar outlining the position. I think it appropriate and prudent to ensure no misdirection occurs however inadvertent or accidental it may have been.

“From: Futures Analysts ([email protected])
08 July 2007 01:51:32

[…]I do not know him. If you would kindly update your members as to such. […]Thanks for watching my back”