Which software should I go for?

Paul, Think I have managed the enabling,

Tools...IO....privacy.....edit....select ws... always allow.
please correct me if I'm wrong.

Yes but you dont have to enable all cookies. You can specify which sites to allow by typing in the web address which is what I do.

I hope this helps


Go into "LiveCharts Help" from a display of a live chart, then go to "Logging into LiveCharts", then you have options for "Ask Us Live" or "LiveCharts Customer Support" to send an email. I found them quick to respond when I had a problem recently and sent them an email from this link.
When downloading Sierra charts twice -- once for IB,then for Mytrack.Do you have to pay twice? I'm sorry if this is a daft question but when you download the second version,where or under what is it best to save it?
I'm new to all of this. At the moment I just want an EOD tool to find buy and sell signals for me. And I want to open a spread betting account. I've seen OmniTrader 2003 - is it good as a prospecting tool? Is it comparable to Sharescope and Sierra or are they data feeds (or both)? I was looking at Finspreads for a spread betting account.
Omnitrader will cost me a one off £260 then an additional £20 per month for the data feed. Does that sound reasonable to anyone? I'd be grateful for any advice.

check this out...best deal i've seen for a long time.


I have used metastock 7.2 for a year and have now upgraded to metatstock 8.0. Excellent package. Very happy with it.

For EOD data you can use Hquote, which uses Yahoo. I'm sure others will have suggestions for EOD data.

Just ask if you have any further questions.

Oh....Cantor have a free XDA/mobile trading offer. I was about to change to D4F when Cantor reduced their spreads! (Pigs flying ???) Trouble is their spreads revert back to normal in October.

Yup any questions just ask

Anyone in da' house not LURV' tradin' ?????

I'm thinking of buying sharescope but I would like a copy at home and one at work (EOD for both) surely i can just pay for it once?

ta guys
lads a quick query - btwn eSignal and QCharts what do u find better for trading futures on US indices? and why? many thx in advance
Qcharts is totally unreliable. Often freezes.

I use IB/Sierra Chart, cheap cheerful and reliable.

Qcharts is wonderful, and I've used it for more than a year.

The cheap and cheerful version, LiveCharts, is OK-ish but the real deal is Qcharts. 😀
tradng must be the only sort of profession in the world where people feel that cheaper is better or equeal, to more expensive - as in cheaper charting vs more expensive charting, or that there is even a choice

if you were having a heart transplant - would u be pleased to hear that the surgeon got your new heart on the cheap?

i wonder how schumacher would get on in one of the back of the grid formula one cars?

or if a learner driver would start recomending to other learner drivers which high powered sports car is the best handing on the road in rainy conditions ?

but i guess every little bit of information on the trading highway is gonna help - but just always think about the basis and objectivity of any help
I would chose the Surgeon that has a good record of reliability.

Seirra/IB fits that bill. It just happens to be cheaper too.

Why pay $150 per month if you get something of equal quality for $10?

I pay $96 per month for Qcharts - this includes all my data feeds.

Software is highly personal, just like cars - you need something which does the job and which you feel happy using.

I have Sierra and IB as a back-up, but I really would be lost without Qcharts.

Having said that, I should add that I am just using the price bars and volume bars and time&sales - I don't use indicators, so as I am just looking at those bars all day long they need to be nice and easy on my eyes. That's where Qcharts scores over Sierra. And Sierra doesn't have time&sales.

I know someone who has managed to get their eSignal to look like Qcharts charts, with much effort though.

So it's horses for courses, and always will be - that's why it's so wonderful that there are lots of software programs to choose from to fit a) your style, b) your budget.
I now use Quotetracker which also has T&S as well as level II and have to say that it is great for my needs. One big advantage is that you can use 2 different datafeeds into the same application so you can get your futures data from IB and other data from money.net or any number of other providers


Are you able to backfill futures data with Sierra ?


Hi Paul,

Yes you can if you have MyTrack bronze service and use IB for Realtime.

copied from another thread - buit same point


i am well up for anything that saves bucks -

but the point i am trying to get over is that a real trader capable of making thousands a day would be way more likely to make money by just looking at the price in analogue form and trading off that - than a new or an unsuccessfull trader would be trading with all the best kit in the world

trading is a nightmare - and only beginers feel there are shortcuts or ways to save money - but if someone is starting out in trading - they sure as hell better start with something good until they are able to discern what is good or bad for their trading - and price is a reasonable way to tell if something is good or not - not a perfect way - but sure is a guide

i know a lot of hobbyist one lot traders in the US use the set up you have - but i cant see anyone trading 25 contracts with $1,250 at risk on each point with just that sort of data set up you describe - but if it works for you - great
If you are trading 25 contracts then I would suggest that you need more than one data provider, more than one broadband Internet connection, more than one PC and more bottle than I've got.
