Which Software for a MoneyAM Feed



I have an active MoneyAM account, any recommended software that can use this feed I dont want to trade via the software as im happy to use the Barclays site but I do like to have software on the PC that I can track my shares in (unless there is a package that can interface with barclays that is ?)


John B
quotetracker will take thw moneyam feed.however,it will only backfill five days of intraday data
Thanks for that, i have downloaded a trial version but cant set the feed to MoneyAM - it does not like my username \ password ?

John B
so there is a list of feeds you can use.
click on the moneyam feed
for intraday
thanks, all i see is a feed that says moneyam in options, prefs, sites list

i cant see moneyam feed for intraday ?

Thanks in advance

John B

its driving me mad - i have a moneyam account and via their web interface i can log in have have full access, in quotetracker i have selected moneyam as a feed im prompted for my username \ password and selects ok the message back says: MoneyAM requires you to login to get data - im using the same username password that i use via the web interface all qt says is login failed ?

john b
if you want 10 days of intraday.you need to sub qt.cost is $14 a month.otherwise it only displays 2 intra days data
ive doen this but its not happy with the username and password - will have to contact support I think ?

John B


I had exactly the same problem when I tried QuoteTracker with MoneyAM in March. By the time I'd finished twelve emails had gone back and forth between QuoteTracker Support and myself - so at least they are responsive, but by the end of the exchange I felt they weren't motivated to admit to or solve the problem.

The executive summary of their responses to my username/password login error were:

1. Try the beta version: Go to Options>Edit Preferences>Misc>Notify Me About Beta Updates (check it)>OK then go to Options>WebUpdate and update all files.

Result: that didn't work.

2. We've checked the MoneyAM QuoteTracker account and we can log in so the problem must be at your end. Email us the following files from the QT directory - STOCKS.INI, PORT.XML, DEBUG.LOG, ~CURLAYOUT.SLT - and from C:\ PRECOOK.HTM, COOKIE.HTM, PSTCOOK.HTM (this file might not be there).

Result: sent all the files.

3. QT says your userid/password is incorrect.

Result: slapped head in frustration. I must have entered my MoneyAM userid and password twenty times and played cut and pasting games between the two systems for twenty minutes before I first emailed to tell them their userid/password incorrect message was wrong.

4. We can't really go to MoneyAM about the issue because we don't have a reproducible case.

Result: one lost customer.

As I recall I mentioned it to MoneyAM support but didn't get a reply. I didn't press the issue because I didn't think it was their problem.

The one thing I asked QT Support about was MoneyAM's login system which changed a while back to a pop-up box from a normal HTML page - I thought that might be causing software authentication problems, but QT replied in a way that made me think they hadn't really read what I said properly. I was getting nowhere so I gave up. I've done IT support work (I'm the former lead developer of a global software product in a Fortune 50 company) so I sympathise with the frustration of remote diagnostics, but I did my best to help them and ended up with the impression that they were happy to talk, but not really to take the problem seriously - "works for us - must be your problem".

If you talk to QT support I hope you have a better experience than I did. One thing you can tell them now though is that you're not the first person to have exactly this problem.

If anyone ever gets to the bottom of this or QT admits to a problem and fixes it I'd appreciate a response here because I wouldn't mind taking another look at the software if I can get it to work with MoneyAM.
Thanks for that, i have had the same issues, its still not resolved and Quote Tracker dont seem really interested so I wount be using it which is a shame - Did you use different software with your Money Am feed ?


John B


I had exactly the same problem when I tried QuoteTracker with MoneyAM in March. By the time I'd finished twelve emails had gone back and forth between QuoteTracker Support and myself - so at least they are responsive, but by the end of the exchange I felt they weren't motivated to admit to or solve the problem.

The executive summary of their responses to my username/password login error were:

1. Try the beta version: Go to Options>Edit Preferences>Misc>Notify Me About Beta Updates (check it)>OK then go to Options>WebUpdate and update all files.

Result: that didn't work.

2. We've checked the MoneyAM QuoteTracker account and we can log in so the problem must be at your end. Email us the following files from the QT directory - STOCKS.INI, PORT.XML, DEBUG.LOG, ~CURLAYOUT.SLT - and from C:\ PRECOOK.HTM, COOKIE.HTM, PSTCOOK.HTM (this file might not be there).

Result: sent all the files.

3. QT says your userid/password is incorrect.

Result: slapped head in frustration. I must have entered my MoneyAM userid and password twenty times and played cut and pasting games between the two systems for twenty minutes before I first emailed to tell them their userid/password incorrect message was wrong.

4. We can't really go to MoneyAM about the issue because we don't have a reproducible case.

Result: one lost customer.

As I recall I mentioned it to MoneyAM support but didn't get a reply. I didn't press the issue because I didn't think it was their problem.

The one thing I asked QT Support about was MoneyAM's login system which changed a while back to a pop-up box from a normal HTML page - I thought that might be causing software authentication problems, but QT replied in a way that made me think they hadn't really read what I said properly. I was getting nowhere so I gave up. I've done IT support work (I'm the former lead developer of a global software product in a Fortune 50 company) so I sympathise with the frustration of remote diagnostics, but I did my best to help them and ended up with the impression that they were happy to talk, but not really to take the problem seriously - "works for us - must be your problem".

If you talk to QT support I hope you have a better experience than I did. One thing you can tell them now though is that you're not the first person to have exactly this problem.

If anyone ever gets to the bottom of this or QT admits to a problem and fixes it I'd appreciate a response here because I wouldn't mind taking another look at the software if I can get it to work with MoneyAM.
Quotetracker support have confirmed with me that the problem is with the moneyam login system not quotetracker itself. Moneyam is now resolving the problem, they will contact me once solved and I will reply here to let anyone who is interested know.