Looking for software to combine intraday feed with history


I have a trading account with IB and subscribe to their realtime data feed. The problem I have is that I only get very limited amount of history from their feed. Unfortunately the charting software that I am using at the moment (Market Analyst) does not allow me to combine the feed with any intraday history so I can use it in the same chart.

I am wondering can anyone recommend a charting software where I can do this? The ideal scenario would be setting up the feed with IB and then load additional history for further backtesting.

Try AmiBroker - it integrates well with Interactive Brokers (for an ongoing data feed) and you can use AB's "local storage" capability to save such data. If you find an alternate source of intraday history with additional bars available you can import that data.

Your biggest challenge will be finding a decent historical intraday source of data. By decent I mean
a) Intraday data adjusted for corporate actions (most intraday data vendors do not do this)
b) Extensive history

You'll be effectively employing yourself as a database manager to keep it nice and correct if you want to do any backtesting.

Please report back here with any additional findings too.