Best Thread Which Online Forex Broker Is Best?

I recommend you to test icvector. it is a good broker with a loyalty $10 bonus which make it possible to run a live micro account with no deposit . if you are interested visit icvector dot com
Oanda rule ok

Please i would like anyone to check on profiforex , their MT4 is the leader in software for this sector, it is the control of the situation. Open and close deals with two clicks and not only that, there is also MT4 for windows mobile in order for trade to be more easy where you are. i so much respect this broker for their good quality.

Oanda is the best for small stakes forex traders👍
I think there is no such 'best broker'.Every broker has its own good qualities that differs them from the others.Choosing a broker is due diligence on a trader's part.I have done mine with Gdmfx and i'm satisfied trading with them.
I quit agree with you, Mt4 is the most used one around. And it's best in my opinion, so I would advice you look for a broker that has that one.

problem by Mt4 broker is the time for fill your order, because it need to check your account, before it execute the order. this need min. about 0.6 -0.8 sec.

other platforms are connect every time and execute the order direct.

so if you trade swing trades, that will be not be a problem, but for scalper better trade at other plat form, but make your decision and charting at mt4.
That is the point most of us here have been trying to make, there is no such thing as my broker is the best. All have their strength, some have good platform, some speedy execution, while others easy withdrawal and some other things of interest. I don't consider mine Profiforex as the super one, but am confident of their services especially their speedy execution! So lets look for that one thing that interest us and find the broker that matches that one thing.

ProfiForex is unregulated....that rules them off my list.. In my opinion, with all the dodgy scamming brokers that there are these days, it's crazy going for one which is not regulated ...especially when you have the choice of so many that are...
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Do due diligence! Here are some tricks some brokers use to rip clients off...

Ok so there is so many platforms to choose from, there are literally dozens that look good to go... from your experience, which Forex Platform is the most genuine, reactive and easy to use. And in your opinion which has the best charts and the ability to look at numerous markets simultaneously?

Any help appreciated, Doomberg 😀

So many to choose from out there so importat to shop around and conduct due diligence. I actually came across an interveiw: "How Brokers Rip Off Their Clients" which explains many of the tricks some of the less ethical brokers use on their clients to get more money from them. Some of what they do is CRIMINAL!
IC Markets is is the best because you can trade currencies, Stock Index, Metals in one platform. IC Markets has one of the tightest spreads in the market and they are well reputed ECN broker based in Sydney Australia.
IC Markets is is the best because you can trade currencies, Stock Index, Metals in one platform. IC Markets has one of the tightest spreads in the market and they are well reputed ECN broker based in Sydney Australia.
So you are based in Oz.

Are you regulated in Australia?

Are you regulated for any other areas?

What protection do non-Australian residents have if you go belly up with client funds on board?
Sigma-D said:
So you are based in Oz.

IC Markets is based in Sydney Australia (Wikipedia)

Sigma-D said:
Are you regulated in Australia?

IC Markets is AISC Regulated

Sigma-D said:
Are you regulated for any other areas?

Australian financial services licensing is done by Australian Governing bodies so ASIC is the Authority for Australian Brokers.

Sigma-D said:
What protection do non-Australian residents have if you go belly up with client funds on board?

You can filed a complain against them online. ASIC is very restrict in terms of any kind of fraudulent activity done by any Australian firm.

Watch Andrew Budzinski (Head of IC Markets) Interview to know more about the company. 👍

You can filed a complain against them online. ASIC is very restrict in terms of any kind of fraudulent activity done by any Australian firm.
I can also go fly a kite.

If IC markets goes belly up, funds deposited by non-Oz domiciled traders will be compensated to the total value of ZERO. Why would anyone place money with what is effectively an unregulated offshore broker? You may just as well be based and regulated in Nigeria.
I can also go fly a kite.

If IC markets goes belly up, funds deposited by non-Oz domiciled traders will be compensated to the total value of ZERO. Why would anyone place money with what is effectively an unregulated offshore broker? You may just as well be based and regulated in Nigeria.

If you become a multimillionaire and die after that, what will your family do ?

Did you tell them your password ?
I can also go fly a kite.

If IC markets goes belly up, funds deposited by non-Oz domiciled traders will be compensated to the total value of ZERO. Why would anyone place money with what is effectively an unregulated offshore broker? You may just as well be based and regulated in Nigeria.

If any broker goers belly up then client money is at risk. Look at MF Global and PFG, how much did clients across the globe get back when they went under? Did the FCA come to the party and pay UK clients back already? Was it 100c to the dollar or some other compromise? 25k GBP?? Bad luck if you had a buck with them.

One thing’s for sure, client’s in Australia got over 80c to the dollar back from MFG and were paid out sooner than clients elsewhere globally. The reason for this was ASIC’s hard line.

According to your post, client’s in Nigeria who were MF Global clients would get the same treatment as those in Australia. I don’t think so…
Forex Metal RIPPED US OFF!!! Names REVEALED! ( too!)

(Traders, what follows in an example of an online forex broker to AVOID and some tactics used to deceive. Unfortunately, we learned this lesson the hard way, but post here to warn the most traders possible.)

We expose Forex Metal and owner VLADISLAV KOGAN (Born 1973, living in Sydney, Australia) in this Video:

(To read all details, PAUSE THE VIDEO often.)
00:00 Our story
00:21 Forex Metal web site
00:25 Victims
02.54 Forex Conclusions review
03:31 How Forex Metal describes itself
04:35 Who they really are
04:38 Photos and the Truth about their Century Tower address
05:32 Panama’s SMV (Superindencia de Mercado de Valores) listing of authorized Forex brokers and September 1, 2011 law requiring government licensing
05:51 More on their fraudulent address
05:58 Their Credit Card
06:11 Employee Names and some Marketing Sites
06:43 Bank of New Zealand wire transfer
07:16 Details of his many corporations, starting with New Zealand
08:35 Photos of his old residential address (apartment building)
08:56 Photos of his recent residential address ($2.2 Million AUD home)
09:49 Domain Names, and Cross Relationships linking names and corporations
10:58 Corporations since 2001 and more victims (Calobar LLC, Credit Alliance SA, Dunboyne Investment SA, e-ForexGold, FM Financial Services Ltd, FM Financial Solutions Inc, Forex Metal (Australia), Forex-Metal Exchange Services Inc, Forex Metal Exchange Services UK Ltd, Forex Metal Holdings Limited, Forex-Metal Limited SA, FX Index Limited, FX Index Pty Ltd, FX Index PTY Ltd, FX Markets PTE Ltd)
14:06 Aliom Trading not compliant with ASIC (Australian Securities & Investments Commission), revoking most of its representatives, including VLADISLAV KOGAN
14:47 VLADISLAV KOGAN still claims Forex Metal (Australia) operates under Aliom’s License
15:02 Targets Binary Trading and India Forex markets
15:14 Forex Metal in 2014
15:31 In Conclusion
15:45 Research & Web Links, including Timeline (2001-2014), Corporations at a Glance, Domain Cross Relationships, Forums that Forex Metal Markets to, and Forums to Contact
16:57 Recent Updates
17:42 Updates and more to be listed under video “Description”

We will post this info at many popular trading forums (complete list under video); many already have posts on Forex Metal.

Where possible, we will start a new thread “Forex Metal Ripped Us Off!” for victimized traders to post comments.
To warn other unsuspecting traders, we will also post in the most viewed relevant threads.
Search “Forex Metal” for specific threads until we list them under Video Description.

We suspect Forex Metal created several personalities or used its affiliates either to say what a great broker they are or to market promotions, or both. Usually details are vague. Click on the names; often all their posts talk more about Forex Metal than actual trading.

We apologize for any repetition, but VLADISLAV KOGAN must be stopped from ripping off traders.

Australia: ASIC (Australian Securities & Investments Commission), Report misconduct to ASIC
(Investigation opened, pending)
New Zealand: Companies Office
(Investigation opened, pending, transferred to Financial Markets Authority)

Our main purpose here is to warn fellow traders.



Please post your personal stories in this forum, and ALSO under the VIDEO’S “COMMENTS.”
This way, you have a record of your post at each forum and well as at one CENTRAL LOCATION for ALL traders to share comments.

A fellow trader that produces many videos exposing Forex, binary trading, and other financial scams has also created videos about Forex Metal:
Forex Metal - Avoid this Broker:
Forex Metal - This Broker is a Scam, BEWARE:
Forex Metal - Use this Currency Broker and Feel the Pain:

He also recommends that victims create and post their own videos ( is free and simple), and include a link to our detailed video.

VLADISLAV KOGAN is Forex-Metal Payments Department at
Traders, let him know what you think of Forex-Metal.
Email him your comments and copy his employees at:

If VLADISLAV KOGAN eventually returns ALL of our funds, we will post that information in the future.

Traders, thank you all for your time, as well as any additional help or information you may offer.
I gotta a good demo account with AAAFX but couldn't get through the forms to open a real money account !
Hunting around the net I found FXCC with a matching 100% bonus. Sounds good and does other platforms than just forex.
Will have to check back on Active FX to see if they will match deposit ?

I see Everest used to - will check it out after lunch

these yoghurts are really yummy

Just flicking through past posts ( some useful comments too ) people have not concentrated on what the broker can do for you in the way of top experts available etc. why not use the help.
Active FX do bonus points to be redeemed for items like iphones, notepads etc.
Everest seem to have dropped their bonus to 10%.

Is it an advantage to have a broker with an ECN account ? That way the interests of the broker coincide with one's own.
Got an email back from Active Trades on Wednesday acknowledgeing ID documents but nothing since ? Giving them 2 weeks or it's off to FXCC for a 100% bonus.
id like to see forex metal go down, this is really bad, the amounts involved are not a joke, its good to have people who stand up and not be just silent about how some people would play traders for money.