50:1 is an advantage. 200:1 or more is an incredible disadvantage.
Most don't think this way though, most think that higher leverage is good. Most lose. Is there a relationship therefore between high leverage and losing?
Good post! but I think it depends on what kind of traders we are talking about,
for a beginner, 100:1 and more would be an incredible disadvantage,
because he is most likely to loose money than to win money,
the result would be that he will loose money
so much faster with 100:1 compared to 50:1,
on the other hand, for a seasoned trader who knows what he is doing,
100:1 and more would be very advantageous to him,
because he will make more money.
it depends on your own ability
if higher leverage is good or not,
I believe it is very individual,
I think that if people isn't prooven winners,
they should use as low leverage as possible.