which is the best Options education out there?


which is the best Options education out there?

new to options UK based broker advise welcome as well :clap:
take a read of the plain vanila thread. That should be enough education to get you started 🙂
I would first learn about options theory and once you figure out how options are priced then I would start learning about option strategies.

A good book on options theory is black-scholes and beyond by neil chriss.

After you have a good grasp on option theory you can then focus on option strategies. The market is flooded with strategy books.

As you are learning strategies you should find somewhere that allows you to trade a demo account and get familiar with an options analyzer. So you can get used to how options trade.

In the past the best options education was the school of hard knocks. Luckily with the improvements in technology you can demo, stress test your ideas and learn without the pain of losing real money.
I have a ton of free videos on my companies website (I do not sell educational videos)....you can find the link if you click on my profile name. I am not saying they are the best or anything like that, that is for others to decide.

Most option educators give out free samples of there work. So by doing a Google video search or a YouTube video search on a specific concept or strategy you can see how some instructors teach and see which one you like.