Which ECNs fill you the fastest?


Hey, I'm a scalp trader working for a prop trading firm, usually going to for anywhere from 1 - 4 cent wins per trade. I have about 10 - 15 stocks that are my favorite to trade. I was just wondering if there were any particular ECN's which were the best for being filled the fastest. So far, it seems EDGEA is marginally faster since people get rebates for removing liquidity. Is there anything that can get you filled faster?
your talkiong ms between the different exchanges.. i would be more conserned about the platform your using and your pc/internet connection etc. i hear x trader is pretty quick. http://www.tradingtechnologies.com/xtrader.aspx

Nah, I understand what you're saying. But I mean literally, which ECN would have a smaller queue which fills up faster. I have access to a floor broker ECN now, which is significantly faster for a particular slow moving stock. The stock is such that it is entirely possible to profit off of the spread, but it's so slow and the queues are so large you NEVER get filled unless the queue breaks lol. This is why I'm asking if there's a specific ECN out that, even if they charge a bit more, that provides faster fills.

BATS, ARCA, NASD, EDGEA, EDGEX, etc... these are the most common ones, hence usually long line ups.
Thanks for the heads up.. BBSS routes are exactly the ones I was looking for. Could you explain a bit more what MGB is all about? Do they hire traders to trade for them remotely? Do they have their own floor? I see on their website it's based in Montreal. Is there one in Toronto?