Which broker provides the best charting software?

. . . does it mean licensed brokers are not entirely honest, doesn't it mean it could be safe offshore?
Anyone who has read any of your posts will know that you have what can only be described as a chip on your shoulder about regulated brokers and the confidence that many traders have in them - simply for displaying the FSA logo on their website. Some of your criticisms about them may be valid, but it's a major leap of anyone's imagination to think that individual traders are going to be afforded greater protection and receive better service from an unregulated offshore broker than they are from regulated ones - as you would have us believe.

Be that as it may, this thread is about which broker - be they regulated or unregulated - has the best charting software. In the future, if you could resist the temptation to air your grievances about regulated brokers at every opportunity and post something vaguely related to the thread topic - that would be very much appreciated.

Thank you kindly!
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