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FAQ Which Books should a Beginner Read?

Kathy Lien - Day-Trading-Swing-Currency-Market

I've been reading this book of late:


NO, I'm not plugging the book if you were wondering.

What I liked about it is how she tries to demonstrate applying trading strategies.

If someone reads the book carefully, it's as good an entry as any I've read into the world of day trading.

Obviously, there's no substitute for the hours one has to spend staring at screens, trader psychology etc but I think book gives newbies a reasonably clear model to be working towards.
Hi all

I'm 17 years old, I am a swing trader and I recommend reading "Rich dad, poor dad". I loved this book and I really have a different look to money.

Have fun.
Trade safe


sure made him plenty of money ..........respect to that dynasty

I've been reading this book of late:


NO, I'm not plugging the book if you were wondering.

What I liked about it is how she tries to demonstrate applying trading strategies.

If someone reads the book carefully, it's as good an entry as any I've read into the world of day trading.

Obviously, there's no substitute for the hours one has to spend staring at screens, trader psychology etc but I think book gives newbies a reasonably clear model to be working towards.

Kathy is a respected trader and I have a lot of time for her .......Boris Schlossberg was her sidekick.....not sure if hes still with her these days

I understand. And you are to be commended. However, one can be mental health poster boy and still fail if he has no thoroughly-tested and consistently-profitable trading plan. And while Steidlmayer does a nice job of explaining the logic of markets, he also adds unnecessary layers of complexity and complication to what was addressed at length a century ago. One needn't spend a dime on software or programs in order to develop a robust trading plan.


Steidlmayer makes tolstoy look like a comic book writer 😉
Dead as a rat. The screws had been playing snake on it. How's it been here. I've been away over 3 years.

Theres actually some good friendly lads on, MOFO got the boot and for some reason hasn't returned....all in all.... same as....