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FAQ Which Books should a Beginner Read?

My favorites:
1. Trading Chaos by Bill Williams. This book tells me how to think of the market.
2. High Probability Trading by Marcel Link. This book tells me how to act in the market.

Evey time I read them, I profit from them.
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"New conditions will arise. A new trading public will be born. However, the old cycle of rallies and reactions will roll on."

I wouldn't read anything about trading unless it was originally published before 1940.

I'd also recommend watching :

The Crash of 1929


Open Outcry
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The New Market Wizards by Jack D. Schwager.

Read the Chapter on Monroe Trout.

In part, trading is about discovering and exploiting edges and Monroe Trout explains this well.

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Most aspiring traders would do well to read The Bible and seek guidance through prayer.

NB. Koran for Muslims, and so on and so on........
Loved the second and third from yout list. I own the first book you mentioned, but have not read it yet.

Also, I heard good things about"Rocket science for traders" from Ehler.

Do you know it?

There is a more recent update to the Ehler book which is "Cybernetic analysis for stocks and futures".

Amazon.com: Cybernetic Analysis for Stocks and Futures: Cutting-Edge DSP Technology to Improve Your Trading (Wiley Trading) (9780471463078): John F. Ehlers: Books

You can find out more on his MESA site


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"If try before you buy" is your style, then there are some ways of checking out some of the content in trading books on the web for free. These include:
1. google books (limited previews available on some books)
2. Scribd Scribd sometimes includes free e-books.

For Chart Pattern discussions, there are books by Thomas Bulkowski that attempt to provide readers with lots of backtesting on patterns. He also operates a free research web site http://thepatternsite.com/
Re: Which books should a beginner read?

Wealth of Nations A Selected Edition (Oxford World's Classics) by Adam Smith and Kathryn Sutherland

The herd reads trading books, this one focusses on the transfer of funds from one place to another.
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