Where should I Buy Holiday Euros?


Well-known member

OK, I am looking to get a few Euros to go on holiday, where should I buy them in the UK?

I had a look at Thomas Cook today, they were offering to sell me them at 1.375 to the £

I don't know much about forex, but I think I might make more if I became a money exchanger rather than a trader at those rates, Oanda tell me the rate is actually closer to 1.4522 at the moment. Hmmm, some difference 🙄

Should I just try and negotiate with my bank, or does anyone have any tips or ideas. I am only going for a week so, we aren't talking thousands of pounds here.

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If it's relevant to you, and if you're using Heathrow or a large airport, you can usually exchange there (a) at not a bad rate and (b) with an optional same-price buy-back in case you don't get through them all and have some to re-change in the same place on the way back - just keep your receipt, and it can possibly work in your favour. Depends which way things move. Just like trading, really. 🙂
Thanks Roberto

Thats interesting about the buy back. Thomas Cook were quoting 1.56 to buy back - (1.375 sell) great spread (if you are the banker).

Actually, I don't have a problem with selling them again. As I live in Northern Ireland and Southern Ireland use Euros, so I would just keep the balance.

Hmmm, I wonder if I could get a better rate in the South of Ireland?
Roberto said:
If it's relevant to you, and if you're using Heathrow or a large airport, you can usually exchange there (a) at not a bad rate and (b) with an optional same-price buy-back in case you don't get through them all and have some to re-change in the same place on the way back - just keep your receipt, and it can possibly work in your favour. Depends which way things move. Just like trading, really. 🙂

I would say that you are better off getting (the main part of) your euro's when you have arrived. The rate is better. I.E. today in Tenerife (Spain) it's 1.42. to the pound. Don't use the hotels, airports, etc you will get ripped. Same as using the bloke in the street. Local bank or exchange shop. Usual applies... Shop around as rates vary from one place to the next.

Most importantly...

Have a nice time 😆
Just had a brainwave - Thanks Options!

I can go there and stick my bank card in an ATM, and withdraw Euros.

I have a Nationwide debit card - they don't charge a 'loading' fee on foreign transactions, and works were there is a Visa sign. I will get at the Interbank rate, with no commission 🙂

I already have a few Euros to get me there and I guess Corfu will have ATMs.

Ardhill, you must be planning on blowing a fortune if you're this concerned about a few 1/10ths.

Unless you're planning on buying the entire island - cash - it wont make a terrible lot of difference.

Mind you, some of those kebabs can be a bit pricey....
TheBramble said:
Are you sure about that?

Ok after further investigation, not quite at Interbank but at ‘Visa/Mastercard’s wholesale rate’

Unless you're planning on buying the entire island - cash - it wont make a terrible lot of difference.

Mind you, some of those kebabs can be a bit pricey....

Well on a £40 exchange, there is 4 euro of a difference between their exchange rate and the underlying rate. Thomas Cook spread is over 1,500 pips, that's enough for me to wonder if I can get a better deal elsewhere I reckon. Or maybe I just don't like the principle of the thing (unless I was the exchange house of course 🙂 ).

Ardhill, you must be planning on blowing a fortune if you're this concerned about a few 1/10ths.

I was planning on spending all my trading earnings on holiday...

... can anyone lend me some money?
Salty Gibbon said:
Slumming it eh ?

Slumming it 😡

Do you know how expensive it is for a ex-army two man tent? And I had to promise the farmer that I would look after his sheep as payment for my pitch.
I'll be over in the Cork area for a few days next week so not only do I also have to buy those Euro things but I also have to find a good place to pitch my tent.

Trading earnings does not run to hotels etc.

By the way does Guinness taste the same in Euros as it used to taste in Punts ?
Salty Gibbon said:
I'll be over in the Cork area for a few days next week so not only do I also have to buy those Euro things but I also have to find a good place to pitch my tent.

Cork is a big city, so you can probably find a decent traffic island to camp in, though you may have to fight for a good spot.

By the way does Guinness taste the same in Euros as it used to taste in Punts ?

They still make it with the same muddy water, so you will get all the goodness as ever. Do remember though, when you are driving after drinking your Guinness, the road signs are now in KM per hour

Oh yes, if you do find a friendly farmer who will let you camp in his field, have a word with The Bramble about how to look after his sheep.
Oh yes, if you do find a friendly farmer who will let you camp in his field, have a word with The Bramble about how to look after his sheep.

Even though I am half Welsh by virtue of my mother ( poor dear ), I do not care for sheep unless they are served up as succulent lamb chops.
Thomas Cook @ 6.45 pm- 1.792000

It is interesting how much of a difference there is, I wouldn't have thought it. I guess nor would many other people, that's why companies can get away with it.
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Thanks Jonnyt, onlinefx.co.uk look pretty good. I've found the Post Office to usually offer the best rates in the past but onlinefx.co.uk beat them by 3cents on the Euro!