Historical Exchange Holidays


I'm going through an exercise of cleaning up UK share data files I've gathered in both MetaStock and ShareScope. As part of this exercise I need to know the holiday dates for the LSE over the past few years - at least as far back as 1998. This is so I can check for gaps in the data I've got.

Obviously I know that the exchange is closed on all public holidays, and I've managed to find references giving all of those (including the 'extra' day for Elizabeth II's Golden Jubilee in 2002). However, there are a couple of dates where I have a large number of files with gaps in their data (99%+ of files) and I want to check if they were exchange holidays or not.

Does anyone know of a reference giving exchange holidays (other than public holidays) going back over the past 12 or so years?

Alternatively, the two dates I'm especially interested in are 31st December for both 1998 and 1999. Obviously the first was the day before the Euro came into force and the second was the day before the Y2K 'bug' was supposed to hit, but as I was working for the IT department of an investment bank at the time I know we certainly didn't get those days off as holidays (not surprisingly 🙂 ), but was the LSE closed on those dates?