where next?


Senior member
Well as most noob traders start off, I've been using spread betting accounts for over 6 months or so but I was just wondering where to go after that? I'm not in the slightest saying that I've mastered spread betting or I actually can't beat it so I'm giving up or whatever, I just wondered what to learn about next? The more I understand from other peoples trading the better right?

I had a look round and ended up on IB's website, ran the demo, stared rather confusingly at it for a minute or two then closed it down! What about CFD's or options? It would be nice to understand options so that I would be in a position to critisize Howard Cohoda as well! Only joking of course👍
If you've mastered spreadbeting, then Retro Carbon Futures Options volatility vertical spread hedge hedges are the way to go.
Saaaayyyyyy Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaattttt??

I have no idea what that means. I haven't mastered spread betting, I keep losing but at least I understand how I'm losing!