I read an article, a few weeks back, that there was an organisation within America who's soul task it was to prevent a market collapse. Could the DOW's spectacular rise today be attributed to this organisations intervention? World and home happenings did look glum. And so I think it possible. And if so, I do believe it right for a government organisation to intervene and assist the market in what ever way they can if the country, its industries and its people are at risk from a potential depression. No one likes misery.
The downside is, its so damned difficult to predict.
What's the Dow going to do tomorrow guys? ... light chuckle here. What we had today was lunch at the Savoy topped with a bottle of expensive plonk and a ride home in the rolls, but what we should have had was, parked on the seafront eating fish and chips out of a local newspaper waiting for a number 10 bus.
'All things are possible as some things are. Its just that, some things are and some are not. The clever bit is working out which is which and the possibilities are endless.'. - from Modern Confusion, by HePo.