Where do you see Britain in 2040.


Established member
Everyday we hear news about Jobs lost and Factories closing.

Most of manufacturing industries have been closed down.

Every other weeks jobs in service sector are lost to India.

A lot of developing countries economies are expanding at faster and faster rate. India, China and Brazil just to name a few.

Where do you see Britain in 2040 as economic powerhouse. Do you think is still gonna be in the top 10 biggest economy in the world.

What edge do you think Britain will still have compare to the rest of the world.

Feel free to add your opinion.
"Where do you see Britain in 2040." ...well if medical science can keep me alive until then ,the answer would be ....a hell of a long way from me 😉
We will probably be on the way down from the next boom, heading for an even bigger bust. Either that or we will be just starting to recover from the great depression of 2008.
Shoulders to the wheel......

This is it, for some reason? theres a sustained "Dilution of life values" snowballing downhill and this babies seemingly outta control.... whats going on with it all? I try to do my bit, honestly, but for all wisdom? advice dispensed I feel the return often warrants ASBO orders with knobs on to be handed out.

hmm for sure the next generations currently being nurtured will have to contend with a bigger "up yours" than we observe / suffer , its a puzzle thats missing a few pieces or more likely no one ,it seems, can be arsed to put the pieces in the correct place..

solutions ?
